In Search Of The Lost Word

Dear friend: Is our daily work we do with much dedication and respect. Hopefully, enjoyment of the same. A fraternal greeting. The Group of the wealth hides the primitive man was more intuitive than modern man. I couldn’t perceive subtle nature’s elemental forces since their language was in its infancy. As his intellect was developing, discovering rather, also evolved its language and began to find rational explanations to phenomena previously misunderstood.

So was reaching ideas or more abstract concepts, i.e. Universal ideas above phenomena. But in this way he was stringing to intellect and reason. Thought left his intuitive power and began to think with words. This internal chatter is confused with the Act of thinking. Language is the means of communication between human beings, but is not the basis of thought. When this is confused, limits us the thought to the meaning of the words and blind us the potential to perceive that which is inaccessible to the reason.

The reason is vital to us in everyday life, but modern man should awaken your intuition, both mental and spiritual. When we develop the ability to silence the mind, we are able to thought free of the meaning of the words and own intellect expands. This mental intuition opens. But when consciousness withdraws from the mind, spiritual intuition opens. As the mental chatter dominates, the senses are intensified and begins to perceive things that did not exist. Also mental structures expands, not only the intellect. Refined emotions, the imagination turns into display, memory and will remain under domain of consciousness. Morality is transformed and appears the detachment. Those things that did not fit within our ordinary logic begin to be understood but otherwise, which cannot be explained with words. The spiritual intuition allows us to capture the essences in your highest degree. This is why we employ several techniques to control the mental chatter and Discover the lost Word. This word is one that is not a Word, but it is the origin of thought in its purest form which has been governed by consciousness. Original author and source of the article.

Santiago Pedraglio

Last night in the program without mincing that emits TV channel Frecuencia Latina (channel 2) name of Aldo Mariategui one of the drivers of the programme could not believe you the result of the survey, the same channel had requested such polling. And it is this, presents second Ollanta Humala and Toledo in the first place. DATUM (paid by Toledo polling), wants at all costs, do think public opinion what you want Toledo; reaching the second round with Keiko or Humala, because this represents an inevitable triumph (to Toledo). The newspaper Peru 21 stops also does not show partiality in trying to say the same thing. More information is housed here: Professor of Internet Governance. Interview sociologist Santiago Pedraglio, who says that the voters would have to reconsider their votes, forcing them to choose the lesser evil. Or for him, you are determined that Toledo goes with Humala or with Keiko to the second round.

But the height of deception in this survey, is that they put it to Humala, almost like Toledo, the intention to vote more liars. On the same television program, then interview to Marcial Ayaipoma and Cesar Zumaeta; the first party of Toledo (Peru possible) and the second of the APRA. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Eliot Lauer. Aldo asks Ayaipoma if get to power, they would take any reprisal against the Government of Alan Garcia and Ayaipoma tells him that do not. This is quite difficult to believe, because unfortunately in our country it is known that the cholo or serrano, is vengeful recontra, and Toledo would have to take revenge of Alan (if WINS Toledo), on bringing through Nava, all their expenses (from Toledo) of liquor at the Government Palace, and I don’t think that Apra support Toledo in the first round. The reality of things in the field of surveys, is that all that we frequented internet, we can see: Toledo, Castaneda and PPK must be all three in a triple tie of 25% each, and the remaining 25% divided between Humala and Keiko. .

School Foundation

The promotion of the common good is firmly anchored in the Foundation purpose of gypsum Barry. As eligibility criteria, placing essential social values such as fairness and sustainability basis. To promote a fairer deal and better cooperation in our society, the Stuttgart-based Foundation to has decided that the project of intercultural education in values in schools”to support in 2011 and 2012 with an annual 40,000 euros. “It must be already the attention also on interfaith and intercultural similarities in childhood”, is Thomas Ducree, Board of plaster school trustees convinced and adds: just as the basis can be created for a better coexistence in our society. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Nieman Foundation. ” In terms of content, the project includes various initiatives, such as the development of teaching materials, the initiation of class and school projects, as well as the training of teachers for intercultural and ethical issues.

Since no budget available to the schools for such teachers, these must be offered free of charge. This is made possible with the funding from the gypsum-School Foundation. “” Another component of the project is the exhibition world religions world peace of world ethos “, which leihen toll free for 4 to 8 weeks will be awarded to schools and one orientation on the topic of cross cultural values” are. “” It serves as information and source of inspiration for lessons, project days or as a platform for interfaith talks and discussions on the subject of ethos “and values” in politics, business and everyday life. The exhibition consists of several large panels, which provide information on the major world religions. As ethical guidelines, such as the principle of humanity “will the gold to be found in all cultures “” “” Rule”, as well as the four ethical principles Nonviolence”, justice”truthfulness” and partnership “discussed and illustrated. The funds provided by the gypsum Schule Foundation flow in the distribution, logistics, maintenance, and if necessary in the reproduction of the exhibition.

German Childrens Cancer Foundation

PFALZKOM MANET donates 3 x 1.000.-EUR to charities in the region together with customers. -An children’s home, House Mirabelle (Ladenburg) – forest pirates a project of the German children’s Cancer Foundation (Heidelberg) – Kinderschutzbund Landau (Landau) in 2008 has the PFALZKOM MANET titled she wishes we donations! launched a charity campaign in life and their customer calls on Christmas, to make suggestions for charities. This year three actions with each 1.000.-EUR were taken into account. As a regional company, is of course the local character in the foreground. “It is also a major concern, that an interaction” with the customer takes place.

Many donation proposals relate to rather small and not-so-famous actions coming together in this way. Often here lack the awareness and consequently also the financial resources are very low. Just the personal commitment of the often volunteers makes it possible at all the small, but major projects, to press. Also this time the selection from the was not easy for many suggestions. Of course, the company has respected that the donations to come directly to the needy and not be used in part for administrative costs. There are numerous facilities that do many good in our region. In particular the smaller local projects are often not as well known and have a particularly hard time hearing to find.”says Uwe Burre, Managing Director commercial area.

Right here, we want to apply, and have asked for such local projects for our customers. For three proposals, we have donated EUR 1.000.-.”added Jurgen Beyer, Managing Director technical area. On the 15.12.2010 1.000.-was presented at the following facilities: forest Pirates (Heidelberg) ( cancer children does not stop. The forest pirate camp is a facility of the German children’s Cancer Foundation and is financed by the parents group for children with cancer and cosponsored.

Quarrels Between Couples By Not Effective Communication

This is one I am furious that it produces big headaches, am I wrong? Many tears, screams and discussions have come to become that by a lack of effective communication. But why? Why those barbarian sometimes we do not find the way to encompass all the dilemmas that haunt us, us who lurk and make us fight, when what we want is to put all our part to solve them. What does us yelling louder before each word what happens if we do not seek that? Why? We love our wives, we respect them, that is what is wrong? What is wrong is that we have not intelligently. Communication serves to express what we feel, but on occasions for discussion, we sometimes have such urgency to bring what we have inside, that we let the appropriate way in which we must do so long. We forget his feelings and cares more about ours. That logical, isn’t it? Without bringing it to light, we care more what we can pass inside, why when we are discussing do not stop to do so. Isn’t so much the problem itself the real cause of quarrels, what happens, is that we dedicate ourselves to defend our person in one offensive way against each other. So hence this key to solve quarrels, the next time that you see come the next dispute, keep your calm head, candle and analyze it, really quickly the real problem.

Then, in a calm way speak you and you will find the way to solve it. Before, keep in mind that to take this enormous step deals with a great sacrifice of oneself. A sacrifice of our reasons, our problems, our hardships. But is also that the reward is immense. Things change for her for your help and then the same thing happened with tigo for your help. It is this change in one of the two which always need, but when one does, the gains for both are very beneficial. Come to my site the marriage, family and work, how to overcome their conflicts original author and source of the article.

Reverend Serafin Alarcon Galatians

Servants or Reverend Serafin Alarcon Galatians 1: 11-24 11 But I certify you, brethren, the gospel preached by me is not after man, 12 For I neither received nor learned of any man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. When one performs a task entrusted to us, and this in turn is cause for suspicion by some, the first thing we say or ask us is, “With what authority do that? Question us as Christ did with the Pharisees of his time and also with the Apostle Paul. I remember the time that men expelling demons in the name of Christ and because they were not disciples were rebuked by Christ … “Do not forbid them … I answer the teacher.

How to forget the opposition found John the Baptist and even the very young David when he told Saul a l face the giant. And is that too many reasons that infuse the enemy when someone is genuine and true instrument of God. Paul in the previous letter detailing the revelation that he has received regarding the gospel, has come on from the very person of Christ. I think, should not today be the same? Of course, if one has called to work in the work one must be prepared, one must learn and try in good faith testimony is truthful advertising … But what makes a man a servant of God? “The seminar, positions in the church, formal education, eloquence, and so on.? No.

Brothers meditate and examine the scriptures and discover what happened to those first men who were called to the priesthood. You had to be coat, had to be descended from a priestly line … What happened? Prostituted himself the priesthood, like today. So God raised up judges and prophets, them out of giving people the same frown of authority and power. Today the call to be pastor has been professionalized to the point that universities have students doing master’s degrees in divinity and theology teachers and scholars simply not called … A training unconsciously creates wrong expectations of the gospel and anti biblical times. Of course not all are well, praise God for that. Golden Father, that these men and women who claim to have a call to pastor, to be missionaries, evangelists and even priests have in mind that larger commitment to Christ and service to others. That the gospel is not a profession, let alone a business. The gospel and true religion according to James is the service and we must never forget. Sometimes I wonder if the ineffectiveness that have some ministries is precisely by people who just wants a comfortable life and loose, forgetting his vow of total dedication to the needy. Christ demands of us and even to lay people, to give everything to the poor, to give our gifts and talents for the sole purpose of enhancing the work of the church on earth. I conclude by saying that it is vital if you go to seminary or not, if you lay leader, or if you graduated from college with many titles … The important thing is that we are not reluctant to let ourselves be led by the only person who really can do so supernatural Person of Christ and the Holy Spirit. So do not ye be called Reverend, for the only total reverence worthy of God.

Logitech Muscle Pulls

players do not care complex without spending a little while to XP to play a game to play this or that there is no version for Mac For these fans, Logitech has launched during the CES a full range of gaming devices for those who spend many hours in front of the screen. The line of peripherals Gaming call? G-Series? goes one step further and offers to gamers that have long been asking for: a complete control. Logitech introduces new accessories that are added to the line? G? and introducing more precision, high capacity and customization. This is the Logitech G19 keyboard (compatible with Mac), the set of Logitech G35 surround headphones and Logitech mouse laser G9x.
Logitech G19, a keyboard that suits the taste of each
Gaming based on the most advanced technology, the Logitech G19 keyboard player is the first Logitech keyboard has a color LCD GamePanel. The panel features a display of 320-by-240 pixels, which offers valuable information on more than 60 games, including World of Warcraft (requires the installation of software GamePanel). Also, the screen can display information on VoIP communications, clock, CPU load? besides other inputs not specifically related to gambling, such as videos or photographs. Besides the player can jump easily between different types of information? without leaving the game in no time.
The Logitech G19 keyboard is compatible with Windows and Mac

Logitech G35:

Surround Sound for an unprecedented experience
To enter fully into the change that is experiencing the world of gaming headset Logitech G35 is the first set of headphones that offers a 7.1 surround sound, the perfect complement to a growing market for video games and action of high definition movies. Driven by the second generation of technology Dolby Headphone technology, G35 simulates a complex acoustic sound editing room, with a level of detail and surround sound never seen before. G35 also has a unique design for a further isolation of the ears and is able to reduce the ambient sound. Is adjustable for each user and provides a noise-canceling microphone that focuses on the voice and reduces background noise.

Logitech G9x: high precision
Precision offers a speed of up to 150 inches per second on surfaces for a normal mouse game. The new Logitech mouse G9x laser repeatedly extending the promise of winning Logitech G9 Laser Mouse, and features a new laser sensor. It has the ability to adjust on the move from 200 dpi to 5000 dpi, the new G9x mouse makes it very easy to move from a high precision maneuvers global perspective so quickly and without pause the game.

G9x adjustment includes 2 interchangeable modules that let you choose the best style of play. The new mouse also increases the opportunities to customize the way you play each user, in addition to an onboard memory capable of programming up to 5 different profiles. The adjustment system of weights of this new model offers up to 28 grams of extra weight. Similarly, you can customize the color of the power G9x according to the preferences of each player, so as with the colors of the keyboard accessory G13 and G19 Gameboard.
Logitech G13 advanced Gameboard wins Best of Innovations
The new products? G-series? Logitech coincide with the recent announcement of Logitech G13 Gameboard advanced, innovative and groundbreaking periferico that offers 87 types of pre-inspections by 25? G-keys?, check for the thumb that allows up to 4 positions and their 3 memory banks. In this way each player can set the desired profile for each of your favorite games. It also has an LCD GamePanel by-43-160-pixels that shows the course of the game and a system of information and messages from other players. Logitech G13 will be available in Europe from March at a price of 89.99 euros.

Pricing and availability
All news of the line? G? Logitech wil<<

Second Great War

Notice were erased, converted them in order to deceive the population, that accepted the lie pacifically as truth without any protest. Wiston was felt stuned by the way as they silenced people of the trick that if treated the Big Brother, committing one ' ' crimidia' ' , or thought crime. To think forbidden age. To doubt, much more. It also committed the crime of ' ' duplipensar' ' or to remember the new created truth to forget the old one. He did not accept simply that they diminished the quota of chocolate and that in the following minute the increase of the quota was announced that in the truth was a lessening. Winston was grumbler with the established situation and looked for to destroy it, but it did not have at least time for this. Its subversive attitudes had been soon discovered, being submitted it and its loving to the tortures in ' ' ministry of amor' '.

The constant wars between the totalitarian nations, (such which occurred in the Cold War where the powers if collated veladamente in games of Being able), it was portraied in its essence in the workmanship they show that them in constant disagreements, moving of allies and enemies all the moment. In the reality, if it gave in the same way. United States and Soviet Union, of old allies in the Second Great War, had become enemy, that they disputed without ceasing the hegemony between the nations. Orwell, already had the perception of the instability of the agreements between the nations. A potential ally is also an enemy potential. It depends on the period where if they approach these relations.

fomentao of the hatred to the enemies between the citizens, is part of a strategy produced well to make of each one, a soldier the service of the regimen. A true brainwashing. Wiston, the central personage of the tram, is felt suffocated by knowing of all these situations, and wants to find ways to knock down the Big Brother and the regimen that it represents.

BitDefender 2010 Series: High Security Also For Windows 7-home

Security product line compatible to new Microsoft OS Holzwickede, October 29, 2009 – BitDefender announces that its 2010 product line now with Windows 7 compatible. It contains total security, Internet security and antivirus software. Close cooperation with Microsoft that ensured that the BitDefender Solutions reliably protect users of the new Microsoft operating system. Users who have a previous version of the current BitDefender products in use, can free upgrade to the 2010 products. The new features of BitDefender 2010 series include an optimized scanning performance, improved protection via Active virus control, as well as a lighter operation with individually selectable user profiles (E.g., gamers, parents etc.). The current suites contain extensions to the proactive protection against all Internet threats, without affecting the performance of the PC. Active virus control, for example, controlled in real time all running programs on malware activity: reaches a predefined threshold will the software classifies the respective program as harmful.

Our independent software vendor community thrives on innovation. It aims to support our partners in the development of future generations of software”, explains Ross Brown, Vice President of ISV and solutions partners of the worldwide partner group at Microsoft. The support of the current Microsoft operating systems provides decisive competitive advantages our partners and allows their customers to benefit from the latest technologies.” Vince Hwang, BitDefender Global Director product management, adds: working with Microsoft on the compatibility of our security solutions allows BitDefender to meet the changing needs of its customers and also to offer the maximum level of security to all users. The individually configurable user interface through usage profiles as well as the increased security and reliability through new and innovative features include the improvements of our suites as “Active virus control.” Windows 7 since October 22 in three editions (Home Premium, professional and ultimate) as a stand-alone product and available installed. The compatible BitDefender security solutions are available already on the market or under. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software.

Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender offers in English at Background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet. Press contact: BitDefender GmbH Robert-Bosch-str. 2 D-59439 Holzwickede contact person: Hans-Peter Lange PR Manager Tel.: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-330 fax: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-499 email: PR Agency: Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact: Fabian Sprengel Tel.: + 49 (0) 2661 91260-0 E-Mail:


Having already made it clear that the kind of hypnosis to which this article is regard is clinical hypnosis and having this already bounded as technical catalyst for different therapies will say which consists of inducing a State of relaxation deep to try to persuade the patient or subject of the experience changes in different aspects of their behavior. So for example, an individual with bulimia or smoking problems can be object of this technique in order to create an unpleasant association with tobacco or food eaten outside hours. In this way, a point of brake when it comes to the individual lights a cigarette or mug the refrigerator in the early morning can be achieved. Although it must be clear that if the individual wants to smoke that cigarette or eating those calories it will do so with absolute normality. Clinical use of use that hypnosis has, for example, in elite sports is not very different.

We’ve all seen on television broadcasts of Athletics as the jumper’s height starts a Protocol prior to the jump with hands at temples, visualization of all movements of the execution, etc which is nothing more than become aware of all the previous training in imagination athletes carried out when preparing this type of competitions. Obviously this does not mean that they will proceed to the leap successfully, but yes it serves to gain self-confidence in the moment of maximum tension sports. That Yes, ultimately, overcoming or not of the leap will depend on many other factors. Operationally proceed to carry out a session of hypnosis clinic would pass through several stages: 1st stage the therapist presents the technique patient or subject of the experience by clarifying concepts and banishing myths about it. At this stage, it is useful a good level of terapeuta-paciente trust in order to banish suspicions or fears that may appear for the good development of the session.