Quality Public

The organizacional culture of the Brazilian public sector, in general, does not stimulate the initiative and the creativity of its workers. However, it must be remembered of that all process of change not only implies the necessity of professionals with good qualification technique, but with freedom of creation and autonomy of action. To change this reality, they said that it was impossible, therefore had other ways to understand it. For example, to perceive that what is spent with the workers of the organization, frequent identified with item of ' ' custeio' ' , as well as consumption material, in the truth it is investment, therefore the wage can mean permanence and, therefore, otimizao of what already it was invested in allocation, integration, training. This perception, however, depends on vision of long stated period, nor always present. The future perspective, the expansion of the performance stops beyond the regional borders, and improvement of the public performance, must to take the managers to reformulate the used methods until then in the administration. The evolution of the public administration assumed by the citizen ahead of this new state in change, Reengenharia X Quality is predominant to the use of rational methods of administrative case, aiming at bigger efficiency and effectiveness in the anticipation of the changes, starting to also use itself of analytical methods, with sistmica and contingencial perspective. That is, the company must use of formularization and constant evaluation of objectives, based in information on the interaction between environment and organization.

To be intent what it happens outside of the entity, is of vital importance to the formularization of the attendance strategies. It would reengenharia it is the adoption of an innovation, through a radical change, aiming at to reach resulted visible and drastic. It demands the clear definition of the objectives that if she desires to reach and the deep one knowledge of the component activities of all the business.? Quality means quality of all service or all executed operation, internally or external, for all employee of the company.

Brazil Movement

It is a movement that translates a inconformidade with the situation effective politics and an expectation of salvation, despite miraculosa, through the resurrection of illustrious one deceased. It arrives at Brazil, mainly at the Brazilian Northeast, in century XIX. Joining religious fanatism with socialist ideas, the movement if redescobriu in the hinterland northeastern, assuming characteristic proper through symbols and of imaginary the popular one. In its Dictionary of the Brazilian Folklore, Luis of the Cascudo Chamber suggests that the Sebastianismo can have fond in Brazil with the first colonizadores and is possible here that it has assumed ' ' a shade of more demanding and minute religious cult, asctica and rigorous moral, inside of the pictures catlicos' '. It adds the folclorista that John Luccock designated the vestige of the belief, in 1816, ' ' in a small called seita sebastianismo' ' , as it clarified in the book Notes on Rio De Janeiro, discovery that came observes L.C. Cascudo – that they are distinguished for its activity, economy and wealth, is in bigger number in Brazil, and especially in Minas Gerais, of what in the proper mother-ptria’ ‘ first, known as the Tragedy of the Rodeador, it had as leader Sylvester Jose Dos Santos, ' ' Quiou&#039 master; ' , that Small farm of the Rock, destroyed established arraial in the called place in 25 of October of 1820 for the governor of Pernambuco Luiz of Rego.

Called of ' ' slaughter of Bonito' ' , the destruction of the arraial for dead the legal forces more left a balance of 91 and one hundred wounded. After the slaughter, 200 women and 300 children had been more than imprisoned and envoy for Recife. As the movement, the Tragedy of the Pretty Rock, occurred in a called place Pretty Rock, located in the Formosa Mountain range, in the city of Is Jose of the Belmonte, hinterland of Pernambuco.

Public Security

Unhappyly since the remote times until today the people more vulnerable than more they need aid, as the users of drugs, the Organizations of United Nations (ONU) recognizing this problem launched a campaign against this, between these they are the users of drugs and following mensagem' ' equal voc' '. The user is before all in the society the biggest victim of the drugs therefore is in its body that goes to appear the curses of this practises and also the relation with the other people is of the family or of the community never more she will be the same one. He does not have as to many they face it people as the culprit of the drug trafficking and the violence generated for this crime. He has countries as Holland that is set free the use and sales of marijuana and in this nation do not have the violent force the crime organized in the city of Rio De Janeiro, was thus for the indifference of the Secretary of the Public Security until arriving in an unsustainable limit so that he is easy to make a fast and efficient action of improvement in the city. user exists not only here and presents some problems that could also help it and it does not abandon it in its proper suffering and anguish. For the medicine it is a loaded sick person for msera existence human being of a world that does not understand and this world does not understand. A saving boat enters in this as and nothing more it is that a boat without helm. He runs away worse from an unhappy reality for one and more he lasts.

Still superficially solitary therefore they abandon many them. Therefore that one that turns it the coasts is plus that it its ruin leaves route. Its isolation and the meeting of friends with almost same history become more difficult its recovery. It is difficult to cure, many must find the abandonment of what more easy the conviviality to its side. But it remembers that perhaps when making this contributes for its destruction.

This that turned the coasts could have the taken off one of the desperation in the search of more a little of drug and sink in the abyss, in the search of the escape in each time weighed drugs more. In return when seeing its world all destroyed, perhaps, without perhaps, without entering in the crime to satisfy its last illusion or desperate to apply the needle, solitary, wounded, places the wrong amount. plus one in the number of deaths for overdose. It is not easy, but the abandonment for this bitter taste will be more easy end. It is this that reading you, the parents, friends, the society have that to reflect to each one of these young, later she is arrived suddenly aged, if is this that they desire for them. A great dose of escape of the reality to attribute to vitiated the responsibility for the traffic and the invasion of the Slope of the Tabajaras for outlaws of the Rocinha is necessary. He is obvious that it had exactly was a short circuit in the agencies of Security of the State, that lack of intelligence, also to pay good wages to the policemen, so that they are not felt attracted by the crime. Had access in Had access day 07/11/2010 in day 07/11/2010


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A little runout is ideal in order to prepare for the upcoming day. The metabolism is stimulated by the movement in the great outdoors, fresh air and the grey cells get right in momentum, what promotes the ability to concentrate and so fit, you can start your work day. Who comes morning still not so right in ride, can of course also the Work breaks or evening use for his individual sports program. And it’s not always running. Also Nordic bring lots of fun walking, cycling, fast walking or swimming.

Another advantage, the regular exercise with it brings, is annoying calorie burning, which jumbled the pounds can already after a short time. Who needs a little help here, the soft saturation gel Sanacontrol is the right. Stirred into the respective favorite drink Sanacontrol can replace a meal daily. The German medical device can be individually metered and therefore adapted the feeling of hunger. The own well-being feel weight is reached, but still at a help in Taming the cravings needed then Sanacontrol can be taken continue in lower dosage for long-term weight control. Get more information at

Hagedorn Celebrates Premiere

“Competent service provider for meat, sausage and cheese processing plants we want to imagine the audience in detail and present what we in the field of curved blade for the meat industry offer and afford.” With these words describes Matthias Hagedorn, CEO of hagedorn spiral blade GmbH, the goal of the premieres presence at the trade fair IFFA from the 4th until the 9th of may in Frankfurt. The family business, the 2012 from the takeover of Schiller machine knife GmbH in Kurten was formed, curved blade for all types of machine manufactures, for example, for cutting machines by Weber, CFS, Formax, AEW, Dixie Union, Thurne and others. Also supplied packaging knives of various shapes and gears for the longitudinal and transverse Division of film packaging. Among other machine Tiromat, Dixie Union, Multivac and Variovac are used. All knives featured at the IFFA of hagedorn are geared specifically to the processes and requirements in the sausage and cheese processing, spiral – and back to the innovations of the knife when it comes to teeth, balancing, coating, and life. Hagedorn’s stand is located in Hall 9.1, stand number F 77. It is spoken apart from German English, French, Italian and Spanish.


Anna Clara – spiritual teacher from South America with seminar in Germany guest Anna Clara offers seminar in Germany in September again – dance yourself free. Anna Clara is called short – the spiritual teacher -, and living your vision with the single intention of helping other people from situations which were forced upon them by their environment and their own existence to the part. Colloquially, it would mean it lives consulting. Anna Clara wants to go further but during their private meetings and seminars a major step, as to pass on wisdom and rules that have resulted anyway mostly, to come in seemingly hopeless, chaotic and cramped living conditions. No advice from textbooks of science but expressive stories from and for the life of the basis of assistance, which can give Anna Clara. Seminar in September in Germany: dance yourself free. Anna Clara, her work: I want you in the dance of freedom then take, where you can let go your limits and blockages, the life to live and the dance to dance after you you have always longed for deep inside you, you feel that there are more than you can see.

“Deep inside of you you, realize that your way through life to dance not always your true dance is equivalent to”. The dance is in most peoples a form of expression with ritualem background. The dance makes courage, free and force for tasks so how the indigenous peoples and Indians always have presented it. The expression of dance as a liberating inspiration, is situated in the seminars of Anna Clara in the Center. Considerations derived from common proverbs revealed how even simple solutions: not to the tune of another, but his own dance to dance. Not on the nose dance around themselves to leave, but to achieve the own dance step – after the inner music, we have forgotten how to listen.

Anna Clara gives inspiration to people who yearn for love, truth, knowledge, freedom! But not only individual events and seminars can be part of the own life Anna Clara will allow. For a daily inspiration – so to speak ever again step by step to greater mental freedom and strengthened existence – the Anna Clara on the website provides subscription, a sparkling source of messages full of strength and courage, SMS. These can be sent every day on the phone. Providing inspiring due the light of the following sensations Anna Clara, that can be transmitted using modern means of communication, a bond that across continents and constantly helps getting closer to his true ICH. Seminar dance yourself free: date: Friday September 4, 2009 (10: 00) until Sunday, 6 September 2009 (18 hrs.) Location: at the Chiemsee, Germany. Jonathan Seminarhotel. Post: 444 euro – registrations please until the 15th of August. see, this seminar is also considered 3-day intensive seminar within the meaning of the education midwife of light. Questions and bookings please send an email to or