Enclosing Structure

High humidity reduces the thermal characteristics, the emergence and active growth of fungi, mold. System 2. A heater located inside the enclosing structure ( clutch). Under such a system enclosing structure made of two parallel walls, interconnected rigid ligaments but is formed between them space is filled with insulation. The internal wall is load, and the outer insulation protects against inclement weather. Assembly system can be made at low temperatures. However, it also has significant drawbacks.

Firstly, under the building envelope requires a more lengthy and expensive foundation than in the case of System 3. Secondly, the moisture condenses between the inner and outer walls on thermal insulation materials and on the inner surface of the outer wall. This leads to a decrease in thermal resistance of the enclosing construction and accelerated depreciation. System 3. A heater located outside the enclosing structure. In the case of systems of exterior (facade), the thickness of the insulation enclosing structure may be minimal, based on strength requirements. The thickness of the insulation must be such that the zone of condensation and the basic temperature gradient were inside the insulation plate.

In this case, the accumulation of moisture evaporates easily because of high water vapor permeability of the system. When placing the heater outside it must be protected from inclement weather in one of two ways: a) a protective shield (thermal insulation system with ventilated facade); b) plaster decorative and protective layer (multi-layered system of 'wet' type). Thermal insulation system with a ventilated facade is a costly and time consuming.