Linguistic Literature

The proper definition of what it is lingustica literal passes for one constant change. In view of the vast definition that the lingustica of the text can be adjusted, Marcushi (1983, apud KOCH, 1994, P. 14) wrote: I consider exactly that if it sees the Lingustica of the Text, that provisorily and generically, as the study of the linguistic operations and cognitivas regulating and controllers of the production, construction, functioning and reception of written texts or you pray. Thus if it perceives that the literal lingustica does not analyze isolated words or phrases, but yes the text, which is intrinsic the manifestation of the language that if of the one by means of some responsible elements for the textualidade. At the time of its sprouting, one knows that the majority of the scholars was worried about the transfrastica analysis and the construction of grammars of the text, however, with the deepenings in this area, it perceives that the text would have also to be analyzed under the pragmatic-enunciative perspective. It has seen that, a text to be understood cannot be only one production random, it must contain a sensible unit of and having textualidade, that is, a relation between ideas and phrases in a harmonic sequncia. In this direction, it is longed for to observe the new relative perspectives to the question of the processes that enclose the textualidade elements, popularly known as cohesion and coherence, being emphasized the cohesion for substitution (synonymy), under the prism of the boardings pragmatic and sociocomunicativa. Of this form, based for Ingedore Koch, Mariangela Oliveira among others, we will approach the questions on the literal mesh in the constitution of the direction of the text and its purposes, through collection of data in activities effected by academics of spontaneous form, that is, it did not have information on the posterior use of its answers so that it did not influence them, observed thus the necessity of the use of lexicons that help in the substitution of others so that the text showed more coherence.