
The problems have been globalised and the nation-State has no way of reaching them. The problem of pollution, with the destruction of the ozone layer; the spread of terrorism; AIDS or other viral diseases; the internationalized financial system; nuclear potential; drug trafficking; extreme poverty. All problems that have forced the creation of supranational or transnational organizations where the word sovereignty has become hollow. The nation-State has already lost the monopoly of control events within its territory. This transfer of the old concept to supranational entities does not seem to cause positive results. This should add up to tribalism and regionalism. Boy Scouts of America might disagree with that approach.

The most advanced of the processes of construction of large spaces supranational, European, presents crisis of impotence in advance, although existing institutions function fairly acceptable way. The political shape of Europe stops at national polls, while every day more people from the countries that comprise it considered to be European, rather than Italian, German or Spanish. That is, disintegration in the practical scope and loss of the original sense of nationality for the sake of a greater where the old nation-State is considered just a member of a much wider community. Perhaps we can say that these statements only serve to maintain the internal order in the social and political. Economically they have been replaced by the transnational financial and multinational consortiums, as we see every time.

Perhaps the most visible example is the airlines, formerly national inner pride and which now remain only the name of the old membership. It is clear that the Organization of continents continues as belonging to nation-States, but weakens as it progresses in its Constitution. With a few exceptions no longer a State with own hierarchy in international power. The revival of the local is a phase of high interest in the process of lethargy and collapse of the nation-State.


Any social, personal or institutional problems, first thing an American does is to see how you can solve it by itself. A Spanish, instead, the first thing that happens is that the Government resolve. Or the community. Or the Town Hall. For that I pay my taxes!, it is usually your final argument. And that which, unlike other countries, here there is an important tax evasion, there is 20% of underground economy and usual in any fudge is that you ask.

Incl. or Excl. VAT?. The recent earthquake in Japan offers the last evidence of the usual transfer of liability to the Government. The citizens of that country have assumed the devastating consequences of the disaster with stoic resignation without requiring anything to anyone.

In contrast, first thing they did our compatriots residing there was complaining about the Spanish Embassy, as if their scarce officials only had to keep an eye on them day and night. It is that, as recalled one diplomat over another event, when an automobile accident woke up in a remote hospital, first thing he did was criticize the Spanish consul wasn’t next to her bed. If anything, this time, our Government sent a costly plane which, to make matters worse, returned half empty. By this peculiar national idiosyncrasies, what happens: how is that with a 20% unemployment not out people on the street in Spain to find work?, I was wondering the other day a foreign friend. Well because here we do not want to work but grants, subsidies and other Levantine, he was my embarrassed answer.

Waiting For That Call

A common question is when you will call me?. More than anything women. Pending causes uncertainty and anguish. You may want to visit Dr. Neal Barnard to increase your knowledge. And the individual loses its Center, to subordinate to one another. All’ve ever lived you. Waiting for the call. Review every time if you walk or not the phone, or if they have left messages on the answering machine.

The repetitive thought is the question of why we don’t hear. And devise strategies to call it. Accounts for your friends on the topic, your neighbors, to the greengrocer. They see you coming and gets scared, then again accounts the same. And then, when already not the candidate we are interested in, we have set ourselves how much wasted time of our lives, really looking forward to your call waiting. Some of the causes of non-sweet hopes still unclear the nature of the relationship. Waiting would have to do with knowing in that position we are in your heart.

Happened some discussion that justifies their disdain or not. You had an intimate relationship with the gentleman in question and then disappeared off the face of the Earth all was fine but suddenly not called more as you always call you, you’re doing a test to see if calling you or not he to you. The thing that doesn’t make too much sense. Because the only important thing is its quality as a companion and not who’s calling who. Facts speak louder, and not a hundred thousand reasons says Garcia Lorca. Tragic: he owes you money. Said my wise Grandma Sylvite never give money to a man, the Knights are those who pay) poor Grandma he told you that he was going to call, by that took awhile to see that it is what I felt for you. (This is a nightmare with Freddy and everything) endless possibilities I have attended too many women waiting for that call and I myself have lived, in the past (I am woman) I tell you this so think about it Few things could you enjoy instead of waiting for your call? You can have a wonderful job at the moment.

SCS Computer

Some bring the option of vacuum suction to extract Tin, and others include a system to extract harmful welding smoke, to avoid health problems. Computer as tool of service as technology moves so fast, the computer has become a necessity in our lives. Get information and electronic parts is easier for us as technicians, via the Internet. There are a number growing from companies that provide information, and web – sites personal in Spanish to help us in the work of finding information to repair our equipment. Among them is our Web and many others.

In addition, we have a computer, because many modern computers require adjustments by means of them. For example, video cameras, projection televisions and other modern products, need a program made by the manufacturing, and an interface to connect your computer to be able to make adjustments. Other manufacturers offer service in PDF format manuals, which lowers the cost of the printed service manuals, and we need the computer to view or print them.On the other hand, there are computer in Spanish programs, created exclusively to effectively handle our service center. For example, the SCS program created by, which is the official program used by Sony in Puerto Rico service centres, allows you to among other things: keep exact track of teams arriving to your shop to be repaired. Print tickets service, estimates, and invoices.

Detail parts used in the repair. Keep track of your inventory. Servicing equipment in warranty on parts and/or work. Generate endless reports using a system called Report Wizard keep track of parts and products sold. Send nardas electronically to parent companies. (Sony, Aiwa, etc.) Allow customers to see the status of their computers online. Using bar codes to save time and money. Best of all, is that you can download the program free from. The computer has also become a helper for our common tools. For example, existing interfaces that turn your computer into an oscilloscope, what comes out cheaper than having to buy one, and you takes up less space on your artboard. There are also, multimeters that are connected via serial or USB, where you can download data to the computer, to be analyzed. Without a doubt, the computer is, and will remain, one of the many tools needed to facilitate our work. In a next installment, I will talk about them several electronic test equipment that have come on the market recently, which could be extremely useful to expedite the repair time. Until next time!

George And Georgia

After the disintegration of the Union Sovietica almost all Governments in Eastern Europe have turned towards the European Union and NATO. The exceptions have been Serbia, Belarus and Russia, who, although they have been restored capitalism, still want to maintain a course other than Washington or Berlin pregonizan. Serbia has been more isolated after recently Montenegro and Kosovo have been separated looking for enter into the euro-zona. Russia has been seeing as their former outbuildings Soviet to its West (such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova and Ukraine) revolve around the EU. The President of Georgia Saakashvili, for his part, has become the greatest fan of George Bush in the Caucasus. This inconforma you to Russia and today this country is the bridge through which passes a duct that connects the hydrocarbons from the Caspian Sea with the Mediterranean sea without passing through its territory and breaking the monopoly Russian gas to Europe.

To counter the advance of us in your environment, Moscow supports two separatist regions of Georgia (Abkhazia and South Ossetia). These two, like Transdniestria in Moldova, independent republics are de facto, even if the UN does not recognize them. Now that West accepts the sovereignty of Kosovo, Russia would ask that these Nations also have the right to self-determination. In Serbia George Bush impulse the Bexar of Kosovo, while in Georgia does the opposite. Today is unable to send troops to aid its ally, but needs to avoid that Saakashvili is overthrown and that the Russian military offensive is contained without it escalate more. Original author and source of the article.

Buscon Social Transformation

El Buscon: Critical social metamorphosis of the 17TH century. By: Leonor Taiano Jose Sarzi Amade El Buscon is a study the feudal crisis and the rise of the mercantile society. This change is considered for the author of the work as a carnavalizacion of society which must obligatorily be represented in a satirical manner. Francisco de Quevedo was member of an aristocratic family that had stood since early times by the defense of the Christian identity of Spain. It is important to remember that throughout the middle ages and the modern age part existed in Spain the cristiano-espanol Association by which Jews and Muslims were considered foreign. The author of the Buscon form part of a social group that clings to the Spanish estates, i.e. that it considers that social condition is extremely related features granted by blood.

The segregationist mentality of Quevedo sees some facts that occur in the 17TH century with bad eyes. The approach of the Portuguese bourgeoisie of convert source to the Crown Spanish period of Felipe III and Felipe IV is considered for don Francisco as a serious risk to the estates structure that had been guaranteed by several years the privileged position of his family and himself. Other facts that concern to the author of the Buscon were the constant purchase of enforceable of nobility by some converts belonging to the bourgeoisie and the entrance to universities, clergy and orders of chivalry in people that they possessed the macula’s blood. In the Buscon we find a direct criticism of the intrusion of converts in the Affairs of the Crown, characters like the arbitrary, the fencing master, the soldier show that blood cleaning statutes have been ignored, allowing those who do not possess the blood requirements to pass to form part of orders that were previously assigned to the clean nobility enforceable counterfeiting is alluded to through the Coronel family, which directly recalls the Rabbi of Segovia Abraham Senior, friend of Elizabeth the A Catholic who asked it became to Catholicism after the Decree of expulsion of the Jews. .

Helena Aramendia

However, if wide perspective, you will notice, for example, that have skills, experience, a group of people to his around which can offer you support in different areas. You can think also that even if you don’t have time now can have during your holiday or during their days off to prepare for his new situation. Let’s see how the same general principle applies to relationships. At any given time, we may have a problem with our partner. If you are not convinced, visit Boy Scouts of America. He has done something that bothers us deeply, so we’re angry. It is difficult to manage these feelings of anger and frustration, and everytime we think of it, the only thing that comes to mind is what he has done, and how much It bothers us. So pour more fuel to the fire, and the separation continues to grow. If we try to resolve the conflict with our colleague from this position, there is no really space to find a common point and a settlement because we are focused on a very limited framework.

Now, when we extend the perspective, and include a story rich in experiences, love and union, is much easier to find a solid foundation in order to achieve the resolution of the conflict, among other reasons because it appears smaller in relation to everything around it. In short, extend the perspective when we look at a situation, it is very useful when we feel that we are stuck in a conflict. Why not you maybe to try it the next time you do not know what to do with regard to something? I hope find you useful. By Helena Aramendia. Total or partial reproduction permitted provided that the author and the source are mentioned.