American New Thought Movement

The ebook “The science of reasoning – the ingenious Special Edition” is not available on as a free download only physicians currently discovering the previously unimagined power of thought, but also high performance and top athletes use them. Even the NASA invested billions for years in their research. The power of thought is known to the mankind already for centuries, but until the new spirit movement dealt intensively with her. Unfortunately, this movement in Europe is only the very least known. “The brilliant free special edition of science of thought leadership devoted to the new spiritual author of Wallace Delois Wattles and his book the science of genius”. The original text from 1911 was freely translated from English, without scar but the meaning or the content. The science of genius”is purely pragmatic nature, which means that there is a simple guide his readers how he can lead his thoughts so, that it one around will be successful and happy people. His books have prompted many people to pass on this knowledge.

“So they inspired, including the American bestselling author Rhonda Byrne to their lavishly produced documentary hit the secret the secret” made in 2006. This film, which was quite fast over six million copies sold as DVD is also very pragmatic. “So it means: the advantages of electricity to use, you don’t need to understand exactly how the electricity now.” Called the law of attraction, also the law of resonance, a panacea for every conceivable life situation to be adopted as a kind of without questioning it more precisely. Also the findings of brain research of the 21st century remain completely sidelined. But in particular the brain research has made huge progress in recent years. Huge billions are invested in brain research, in which even the NASA with enormous research projects participates. Also high performance and top athletes benefit from the latest findings of brain research in mental training.