The lack of knowledge of the searched ones concerning the carried through social activities, of the ethics spread out in caserna and of the possibilities and limitations of the Armed Forces can be perceived. The subsidiary activities also are unknown: The Brazilian Antarctic program, the service of search and rescue, the survey of the Brazilian continental platform, the preparation of the merchant navy, the air transportation of sick people and agencies for transplant, the work of ships hospitals in the Brazilian Amaznia, dam construction railroads and food highways, distribution the devoid communities, aerospace infrastructure, etc. Are activities that they search to take care of to the two basic characteristics of the Armed Forces the operational capacity, translated for the otimizao of all its ways and possibility to develop action that they aim at to preserve the national interests. The interviewed ones see as the attendance of the necessities of social matrix, combat with priority the poverty, distribution of income, combat the violence. Later it comes the elimination of the public deficit, find that it is spent very with the military, also with questions directed to the environment. When it is mentioned to the Armed Forces, it is for questioning its validity and the role that they play in the world globalizado after Cold War. In face of such realities and trends, one becomes basic that the military are capable of if communicating with the nation, presenting an adequate vision of the necessities of the Defense and reestablishing its image correct, beyond integrating the regions most distant of the country, to develop the citizenship and patriotism preparing young for the market of work and the wakening interest for the subjects of the defense. It is necessary still a less hostile environment in tension situations, greater social integration, improving the quality of life of the staff, conquest of volunteers it military career, to increase the empatia for the Armed Forces and understanding of its reason of being. .