Assistance Technique

INTRODUCTION the APROBACA is a destined association to help the agriculturists, in the field of agricultural sciences, and in the development of the communities in a general context. Having its headquarters located in the small farm Hand saw of the Oxen, in 4 District of the city of Caruaru. The APROBACA has the support of the Institute of agronmica Research of Pernambuco (IPA), the Company of Assistance Technique of Agricultural Expansion of Pernambuco (EMATER? FOOT), and of the secretariat of agricultural development of the city of Caruaru, beyond all the partners of the association. But, the APROBACA not to be only worried about the interests of its partners, it searchs through the support of ' ' parceiros' ' cited the top the development of all the community. Although its name: Association of the Producers of Batatinhas de Caruaru, today the APROBACA also searchs benefits for all the cultures and creations that are produced in the community. Official site: Boy Scouts of America. But, better to understand the history of the APROBACA, will come back to the year of 1952, to reflect better on the introduction of the culture of batatinha in Caruaru.

INTRODUCTION OF the CULTURE OF the BATATINHA IN CARUARU Has culture of batatinha was introduced in the city of caruaru in 1952, says that this happened by chance, the agriculturist of the small farm marimbondo, Joaquin Antonio, taking a walk for Hope in the Paraba, acquired a small amount of potato seed, and decided to plant it in its property to make an experience, seeing that the farming if held well in that region in the following year, Joaquin Antonio was again to the Hope and acquired more potato seed and again he planted in its property. the years if had passed and its Joaquin continued planting batatinha. With the success of its experience in 1980, 15 agriculturists of the city of Caruaru if had interested for the culture, where it behaved very well in the planted areas, mainly in 4 District of caruaru.