Bethnia Andrade

The direction of the pertaining to school unit confirmed that it was not asking for so that it intervened with the particularitities ' ' problemas' ' , but if it made work one directed toward the formation and information. To each year that initiated the first comment that made with regard to the pupils was related questions, ethical, moral, human, religious, aesthetic the values, politicians, vital, therefore it perceived that the pupils did not present knowledge on the types of values that the human being acquired throughout its formation citizen beyond disinterest for the studies. In the year of 2011 the infrequncia the indifference and the abuse of some pupils in classroom had taken the professors of this pertaining to school unit to a constant questioning. the direction of the pertaining to school unit decided to carry through visits to the families and the problem was detected, therefore the visited families presented absence of structure information, accomplishment of lectures execution of films, professional performances of diverse areas as: psychology, advice to tutor, social assistant, public prosecutor’s office, individual advice of the adolescent, psicopedagogia amongst others beyond the work with workshops, dynamic and of group, for a pedagogical intervention with intention to intervene from the actions with the pertaining to school unit with the change of behavior of the pupils. Thus the direction of the pertaining to school unit if congregated with the professors in the three turns to present the project and to hear the professors on other excellent subjects for the work, in the chance, displayed to the professors regarding the election of the estudantil bosom as integrant part of the project where the pupil will be to apar of the right responsibilities of the bosom and duties of the pupil and the programming of the opening of the project, all the gifts had agreed to carrying through the presentation of the project in day 08/08/11 as commemoration of the day of the student, in the chance the coordinator responsible Bethnia Andrade if compromised to search activities and dynamic for the day.