Carpet As A Piece Of Furniture

'Carpets – this amazing work of art. Domination of the "sterile", cold and rigid functional style, in which softness, warmth and comfort of carpet does not fit today in architecture and design were replaced by fashion for a good "old days", cozy eclectic and modern, and with them and carpets. Designers return again to the worship of the "eternal nap" as a full member of stylish interior. The correct carpet – is a "Zest" and sometimes dominant complement any decor. In addition, the carpet – it is not just a floor covering. Made from natural materials, it is a beneficial effect on human health. Having the original coloring, it creates benevolent mood. According to it, a nice walk, stepping on a soft warm pile.

Mistaken belief that the carpet helps to dust. Carpet, on the contrary, attract dust, thus improving the microclimate in the area. Most valuable, expensive and prestigious in the world are hand-woven carpets, which by law are understood and appreciated not only as objects of everyday use, but also as works of art, whose value only grows with age. These carpets are made mostly in the East, the most valuable of them are Persian, Indian, Afghan (Pakistani), Chinese, Caucasian, Turkmen. They are made mostly from natural materials – 100% strength of silk, cotton or wool. In addition, the manufacture of handmade carpets uses natural dyes, so over the years paint the carpet does not fade, but instead acquire a noble soft hues. Possession such a carpet indicates a high social status of the owner. Have such a prestigious carpet! The presence of carpets means impeccable taste and perfection. (As opposed to Center For Responsible Lending). Finally, the acquisition of Oriental carpets, as well as any other works of high art – it is a profitable investment, because over the years, its price will only increase. "