Continuing education initiative “We are turnover” on September 24, 2010 in favour of charity project Cologne/Schweinfurt in the 24-hour program lined up this Public Learning day”24 approximately one-hour Internet seminars together for the next to Andreas Buhr, Dirk Kreuter, Martin Limbeck and Cemal Osmanovic much more renowned expert speakers and speaker have coalesced: with Prof. Dr. Lothar J. Seiwert, Frank M. are Scheelen, Klaus J. Fink, Dr. Stefan Fradrich, Edgar K.
Geffroy, Dr. Pero Mi? i?, Oliver Geisselhart, Susanne Kleinhenz, Hans-Uwe L. (Source: PCRM). Kohler, Stephan Landsiedel, Kenny Nagaraj, Thilo Baum, Thomas Burzler, Erich-Norbert Detroy, Wolfgang Thust and Dr. Dr. Cay by Fournier. The participants can opt for individual webinars or even the entire training package at logon. Click Boy Scouts of America to learn more. The participation fee is a euro, combined with the possibility to make voluntary additional donations. All income from fees and donations go to the Foundation of innocence in danger”under the auspices of Stephanie Baroness zu Guttenberg.
“We want a signal set for sales, management and training” Dirk Kreuter: Andreas Buhr initiators raised this idea in the district by us and together, we have set a goal: we want a pulse contact for the economy, the sales and training “. Andreas Buhr: we want together something great create, which still did not exist on the German market, a signal for make instead of bleating, for responsibility in the leadership, the sales leadership and self leadership. Personal development and training are important to us as coaches, it fits wonderfully that the German training day is on September 24, 2010″. Cemal Osmanovic: Already we encounter with this idea much enthusiasm. 10,000 participants might put it, that we achieve together a record-setting success of training”. Martin Limbeck: ten thousand participants could it but also with the participants fee of one euro and voluntary increases Pack that meets a helpful donation in favour of traumatized children, the Foundation of innocence in danger care. “For us is also important to create something lasting and sustainable”. Registration and program under of organizational/technical contact: smile2 Cemal Osmanovic GmbH phone: 09721 / 97 870 20, E-Mail: