Swimming against the tide for me means to try to establish the counterculture of solidarity, i.e. According to Oscar Jara, critical culture that builds in conflict with the dominant culture, based on real life and reflection and conclusions on specific events. According to sociologist Rafael Diaz-Salazar, solidarity is the moral construction built on three dynamics: 1) the compassionate feeling that leads us to be ones for others. (2) Attitude of recognition that calls us to live with each other, giving and receiving one another. (3) The value of universalization that impels us to do for each other. Solidarity means a radical change in the way we humans behave. Solidarity is linked to justice and cannot be solidarity without justice. Joaquin Garcia Roca says that solidarity has to show its authenticity in the realization of Justice toward every human being, in the fight against the unjust structures and the commitment by the construction of a more just society.
Solidarity is an alternative to a society based on inequality and unfair distribution of wealth. Today is consumed a la carte solidarity. Too often there has been solidarity as a spectacle that masks the social, political and economic problems of Fund, provoking emotional reactions, without critical analysis of reality. As said Ignacio de Senillosa, has imposed an epidermal solidarity in which explodes the artery that goes from the heart to the portfolio. The counterculture of the solidarity should have aimed transform the dominant of thinking, feeling and acting modes.
Ignacio Ramonet argues that today it is very intimidating to not think like everyone else. Swimming against the tide is to establish the counterculture of solidarity as meeting places in the foreground to beneficiaries of the solidarity actions, whose personal or collective situation we do ours. In this way, we apply the principle of the Roman philosopher Terence man I am and me is nothing human alien, for many the basic principle of solidarity. Solidarity as encounter becomes a transformative, radical attitude because it goes to the causes of the problems. Transforming solidarity represents the experience of encountering the world of pain and injustice and not stay indifferent. The reality so inhumane that surrounds us also means the ability to think and analyze, as objectively as possible. Maria Teresa de Febrer PROSALUS original author and source of the article.