Originary of an extremely humble family, whose ancestral to run away from the hunger and misery that pursued the northeasterns, if they establish in sop of the Mountain range of the Meruoca in search of a better life. Jose STENIO Snows GAMELEIRA, was born in the year of 1964 when the country breathed revolution airs. The composed family of 13 people migra for Sobral in work search and education. The Plague of Measles takes the life of 5 brothers.
The parents (Its Joozinho and Dona Mariinha) that they developed typical activities of the agricultural life if they adaptam the new reality. The father starts to work in a barber’s shop and mother in a confectionery, being objectified only the survival of the offspring. To the 5 years of age he learns to read and to write with a teacher layperson, in a classroom that functioned in one casebre of adobe in the street where it liveed. To the 7 years he enters the public school. He starts to work with 11 years as selling. He concludes the studies in the public school with 17 years of age. To the 18 years he is approved in 3 vestibular contests and some public competitions.
He graduates yourself Pedagogia Philosophy. It worked as public officer during 8 years until asking for resignation to take new routes in the life. For 1985 return, to the 22 years of age, it creates the FATEC – College of Christian Theology that offered free courses of theology and philosophy. With the promulgation of the New LDB in 1996, it extinguishes the FATEC in the year of 1999 to create the FAEDI – Foundation Assistencial, Cultural and Educational of the Ibiapaba, mantenedora entity of the FACIB – College of the Ibiapaba, institution that represents until today, although the great difficulties that face to take ahead its ideal to serve. Currently it has if dedicated to defend the interests of the FAEDI and the institutions that it keeps, for believing that it is possible to fight for a cause joust. Many are the difficulties, natural situation for a customary individual to the adversities that the life reserves and the difficulties that the society imposes a man whose genealogy is formed of simple people.