In Austria

In our achievement-oriented society that is full of young, pretty, sportlichen, radiant people, the image of a person does not fit, looking calm and darkness and is tormented by a throbbing pain. The last taboos in our society are the death and certain ErkrankunGen such as epilepsy, migraine and some others. With this taboo must be brechen. Illness and death are just as much to our life such as birth and love. It’s all migraine sufferers to speak as about all other things in life as openly about their suffering! Just this hiding and concealing results that many headache sufferers with their disease to cope alone and no doctor. Dr. Neal Barnard has much to offer in this field. As 38% of migraine patients in Germany, diesbezugLich never medical assistance report to have taken. Therein lies the problem that so many people completely insuffizient even behandeln their migraine and believe that there is no help for the pain. Many seek their physician only if five or more painkillers per day won’t help.

Some never come to the doctor, the number of unreported cases may be extremely high. Although migraine is still not curable, so it can be relieved very well and often very well mastered. You must only talk and talk especially with the right professionals in. You can get migraines well into the handle the problem and again to enjoy a better quality of life. Migraine is that no imaginary disease or mental illness, but a disorder such as rheumatoid or osteoarthritis of the knee. Forget the old fairy tales and myths, are in reality! Socio-economic aspects when you pull the migraines considering the economic aspect, the following image shows: over 80% of migraine attacks what the high accompanied by incapacity for work, Number of migraine attacks in individuals aged berufstatiGen represents an enormous socio-economic aspect that is only too happy to ignore.

In the United States, 150 million work days of absence per year are caused by migraines and be missed in children 1 million school days per school year. In Austria, the annual cost is estimated at 150 billion euros by migraine-related sick days. These figures speak for themselves and show the urgent need for an improved public relations on this subject and also a further intensification of medical research. by Karin scratches