In Heidelberg

These solid technical education existed not free for thousands of years. Goldsmiths can precisely determine the fineness. Watchmaker or optometrists have not the knowledge”a goldsmith. So, there are goods with a fineness stamp bears, who in reality is a completely different alloy. This occurs mostly with jewels acquired abroad.

Who would like to sell gemstones, such as diamonds, should a qualified Gemmologist (= gemstone specialist) consult. Only this can determine the authenticity of the jewel with safety. For example, diamonds are valuable and lasting value stones. Bjorn best, Goldsmith in third generation and Gemmolge has made thousands provisions of precious metal. He stressed the importance of a calibrated scale. This, the consumer should take care just so the consumer is sure, not, like the retired couple from Warstein, to be deceived. Also, it is important that the customer gets his money immediately, and on a transfer must wait not until two or three weeks, that may never come. Additional costs for analysis, divorce or a percentage lower remuneration rate should immediately deter consumers.

The police recommends several vendors make an offer consumers who want to sell their valuable family jewelry or coins. Flying dealer or home visits are to ignore anyway. Sometimes, such traders remain only two days in a city where they have settled in another store as a lodger. The purchase and sale of scrap gold is not permitted to them. This is according to a recent judgment of the Administrative Court of Minden in Germany (VG Minden, judgment of March 25, 2009, case No. 3 K 224/09) has been confirmed. Such travel trade Yes also already not serious sound. In Heidelberg, the police, in collaboration with the Ordnungsamt stopped two originating from the former Yugoslavia and in the Frankfurt area men who bought gold in a town hall. They even had a trade licence. Many black sheep in the industry cavort. Should a sale of scrap gold only for professionals take place, and not at the merchant around the corner”. Goldsmiths and gemmologists are the right contacts.