Certain areas of strategical importance, as the military polygon of the Base Area of the Cachimbo, in the mountain range of same name between the Mato Grosso and Par, is being partially busy for such entities. According to governor of the state of Roraima, Jose de Anchieta, make a speeching in an act in 29 of May of 2008, ONGs international ones stimulates claims of the indians in the Amaznia, especially claims for lands. The performance of these organisms must be monitored in depth, so that, if or when representing threat to our sovereignty, is adopted the cabveis steps. It has operating foreign stories of ONGs in the Amazon region that, when receiving visits from forces of the EB, if had refused to keep displayed the flag of Brazil for believing that region was not Brazilian territory. According to these organizations, the vacuum of being able left for State in the region justified this defames affirmation. This fact demonstrates the preoccupying quo is the situation. The performance of these organisms can be compared with the action of cupins that, slow and desapercebidamente they go corroding the wood and, when its activity if becomes latent, already is late excessively for saving the attacked object. when it is obtained to save it, the sequels are irreversible.
It is to have of the State to fill the cited vacuum, to regulate of efficient form the performance of the cited organizations and to guarantee the maintenance of the Brazilian sovereignty in the region. The actions currently carried through by the EB in set with Polcia Federal (PF) and the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Recursos Naturais Renovveis (IBAMA) lack of agility and, beyond being carried through in insufficient number, they need better infrastructure. However, perhaps the most important mechanism of prevention and treatment of crises, are they involving as many how much not-state state entities, either operation of an efficient system of intelligence.