The letramento is intrinsically on to the way as the reading and the writing is understood and practised in determined social context. The master Pablo Freire was pioneering in the revolutionary idea of letramento, although not to use this term, when affirming that to if becoming alfabetizado, the citizen would have a way to take conscience of its reality and to transform it. In the reality, the social development of the writing occurred in function of some historical landmarks of that time, such as: ' ' emergency of the State as unit politics; the formation of national identities not necessarily based in ethnic or cultural alliances; the socioeconmicas changes in the great masses that if incorporated the forms of industrial works; the emergency of the education formal' ' (KLEIMAN, 1995: 16). All these historical and social landmarks had made with that the writing gained importance more each sped up time in the society. From the decade of 80 of the passed century, they appear, in consequncia of some works related to the writing, the New calls Studies of the Letramento or New Literacy Studies, which consider the independent model and the ideological model of letramento (STREET, 1984). The independent model is based on the understanding of that ' ' the letramento occurs by means of the language without context, of the independent speech and the thought analtico' ' (STREET, 1995, P. 154).
In this perspective, the letramento is a neutral tool that can be applied of homogeneous form, with equally homogeneous results in all the social and cultural contexts. It presents, still, the great verbal verge/written, being that, in the societies where the written letramento is not present, the fact is seen as great ' ' lacuna' ' to be filled by occidental methods that would take to the progress politician, economic and personal. To acquire the letramento would lead to the acquisition of logic, critical reasoning and scientific perspectives, as much in the social level as personal.