Being thus, they will develop a conscience of bigger responsibility at the moment to choose its representatives. The study if he composes in five parts: introduction, development, conclusion, references and annexes. The introduction is composed in the following item: contextualizao, objectives, justification, formularization of the problem, questions of research, hypothesis, definition of terms and organization of the study. (As opposed to Dr. Neal Barnard). The development is composed in: revision of literature, methodology, presentation and analysis of the results of the field research the first chapter presents the electoral process in Brazil since the establishment of the Republic and the disability of the rights of the people to choose its representatives. In as the chapter the approach is on the democratic systems of government as primordial principle to the citizenship. The third chapter approaches the electoral processes in the city of Linhares from the decade of 50 from says of some inhabitants and old mayors. 2 THE VOTE IN BRAZIL: HISTORICAL ASPECTS Are considered in this study, the vote as maximum instrument of representation of the popular will in any instance.
E, even so in Brazil, the vote is obligator, not if it believes that this characteristic comes to stain the intention of popular that it locks up the electoral processes. The vote, however is not an isolated action. It is the culminncia of a long process of fight for the popular participation at different times and civilizations. 2,1 VOTE IDENTITY: SOCIAL ASPECTS AND POLITICIANS the word vote sends to a concept and an action that retraces to Old Greece. Appeared from the moment where the State if organizes and if structure, it was, however, acquiring different applications in agreement the interests of each time and society. On the other hand, identity, in the sociological conception ‘ ‘ … fills the space between the interior and the exterior?