As important as the accomplishment of physical exercise, for the health of our organism, it is the type of feeding that we received. In this the power plays a role very important to know about beaten prescriptions of of proteins. These nourishing complements contain essential proteins and amino acids for the construction of muscular and bony weave and is used by infinity of sportsmen. As well, lamentably they are used in indiscriminate form often by people who are not informed properly about how these prescriptions of dangerous are compound of proteins. Among others elements, contain protein of the serum. The amino acids of the protein of the serum move quickly through digestive system. The consumption of these proteins will be translated in a fast ascent of sanguineous amino acids and to stimulate the protein synthesis. These products are not destined to diagnose, to treat, to cure or to prevent any disease. Following their sport objectives, their protein needs can to vary. There are some of beaten prescriptions here of of proteins: Supreme chocolate with Butter of peanut: (Without fat contribution)? 12 oz of water? 4 ice cubes? 1 spoonful of beaten cream? 1 spoonful of butter of natural peanut? 2 spoonfuls of protein of frozen chocolate dust chocolate with banana (it does not contain fats)? 12 oz Water? 4-5 ice cubes? 1 banana or banana? 1 spoonful of milk cream?