Quality Public

The organizacional culture of the Brazilian public sector, in general, does not stimulate the initiative and the creativity of its workers. However, it must be remembered of that all process of change not only implies the necessity of professionals with good qualification technique, but with freedom of creation and autonomy of action. To change this reality, they said that it was impossible, therefore had other ways to understand it. For example, to perceive that what is spent with the workers of the organization, frequent identified with item of ' ' custeio' ' , as well as consumption material, in the truth it is investment, therefore the wage can mean permanence and, therefore, otimizao of what already it was invested in allocation, integration, training. This perception, however, depends on vision of long stated period, nor always present. The future perspective, the expansion of the performance stops beyond the regional borders, and improvement of the public performance, must to take the managers to reformulate the used methods until then in the administration. The evolution of the public administration assumed by the citizen ahead of this new state in change, Reengenharia X Quality is predominant to the use of rational methods of administrative case, aiming at bigger efficiency and effectiveness in the anticipation of the changes, starting to also use itself of analytical methods, with sistmica and contingencial perspective. That is, the company must use of formularization and constant evaluation of objectives, based in information on the interaction between environment and organization.

To be intent what it happens outside of the entity, is of vital importance to the formularization of the attendance strategies. It would reengenharia it is the adoption of an innovation, through a radical change, aiming at to reach resulted visible and drastic. It demands the clear definition of the objectives that if she desires to reach and the deep one knowledge of the component activities of all the business.? Quality means quality of all service or all executed operation, internally or external, for all employee of the company.