In Brazil the contribution comes through subsidies for affixture of the rule with the studies of Emanuel Pear tree Son, Leodegrio de Azevedo Filho and Cleonice Berardinelli. Cames in such a way cultivated the poetical forms sanctioned by the Renaissance, of the call ‘ ‘ measure nova’ ‘ , how much of ‘ ‘ measure velha’ ‘ supplied for the tradition. To the classic forms chose they belong it, eighth, the gloga, the epistle, the sextina, soneto and the song, inhaled in the old model and with marked Italian and Spanish influence. second they are expressed for the ingenious style, whose more characteristic manifestation is ‘ ‘ to say derivado’ ‘ , they so transmit the subtility and the sharpness of concepts the taste of the poets of medieval occitnica inheritance and the Cancioneiros: redondilhas. (Op.
Cit. 1993, P. 34). 2.2 In the molds of the Arcadismo the literary style called manifest Arcadismo in a blistered, of praise and encmios, in metafricas languages, arrevesa and exageradamente sentenciosa, practised literature to the shade of the academies. With the decline of the aristocracy and the ascension of the bourgeoisie, it is felt trend for a renewal of the literary taste and the aesthetic creed, with the exhaustion of the gracious literature of the baroque one. A reaction against the baroque style of the six hundred, express one in an ample movement of classicizante restoration is developed, where the classic spirit resurges under the neoclassicismo form. Amongst the varieties of the neoclassicismo, it appeared the arcdico movement. In the end of sc. XVII, the young fixed residence in Rome Cristina former-queen of the Sweden, that resigns to the throne and the luteranismo, becoming itself it the catolicismo. Intelligent and cultured, since Sweden was become accustomed to surround it of scholars and artists, for quarrel and reading of literary works.