Sanacontrol – your gentle saturation gel! It is so far! The days get longer and the Sun tips more frequently through the clouds. But with the beautiful weather the spring fatigue creeping in many quite unnoticed. This is the spring fever is not accepted as a disease, but a form of inertia, that many people experience in the spring. At the latest when you noticed these unexplained fatigue in itself, it is time to rouse itself and out into the fresh air to go. Because of the approaching spring is the right time to sporting activities in the open air to resume and to actively combat the spring fatigue.

A little runout is ideal in order to prepare for the upcoming day. The metabolism is stimulated by the movement in the great outdoors, fresh air and the grey cells get right in momentum, what promotes the ability to concentrate and so fit, you can start your work day. Who comes morning still not so right in ride, can of course also the Work breaks or evening use for his individual sports program. And it’s not always running. Also Nordic bring lots of fun walking, cycling, fast walking or swimming.

Another advantage, the regular exercise with it brings, is annoying calorie burning, which jumbled the pounds can already after a short time. Who needs a little help here, the soft saturation gel Sanacontrol is the right. Stirred into the respective favorite drink Sanacontrol can replace a meal daily. The German medical device can be individually metered and therefore adapted the feeling of hunger. The own well-being feel weight is reached, but still at a help in Taming the cravings needed then Sanacontrol can be taken continue in lower dosage for long-term weight control. Get more information at