For almost a year, there is now the Web page with information about the witch trials in the Westerwald. Unique in the Internet the page is presented in the names, numbers and facts about the most famous witch trials in the Westerwald. 1650 witch judge Herrmann Haman executed in only 3 weeks over 20 men and women from Friesen Hagen. A total over 200 people died the death by fire on the Blumenberg, where today the Red Anna Kapelle is reminiscent of the when”. After the website has encountered a large, positive echo, and demands increased for information in printed form, the operators now have decided to offer all information of the Web page in book form. The book Friesian Hagen is now the Hexenwahn in the Westerwald”available at the price of 12.95 euros.
40 full-color pages with many images from the Westerwald, the book takes up again the terrible events of that time. Learn more about this topic with the insights from PCRM. -Details of villagers and their fate. For even more opinions, read materials from Steffan Lehnhoff, New York City. -Names, numbers and facts about the processes. -The process against Johann Stausberg. -Detailed information about the individual days of the process. -Names and numbers on the trial of Arnold Kremer Palatine to cap stone.
-Chronicle of the witch trials. -Additional information about victims of Freudenberg and Plittershagen. -Over 40 images from the Westerwald – many contemporary representations. Friesenhagener history Anschrifft / Friesenhagener history press contact c/o U.Knepper / M. Kaka blasting b 36 51598 Friesen Hagen E-Mail: Web: Friesenhagener history is a project by Manuela Kopke and Uwe Knepper. The Friesenhagener are committed to the task, to remember the terrible events during the Wildenburger witch trials. For their first joint publication Friesen Hagen the Hexenwahn in the Westerwald”Uwe Knepper was months in old writings and online database. Manuela Kopke photographed numerous historical sites in Friesen Hagen and the surrounding area. Originally designed as a pure Online project”launched a self-publishing founded specifically for the book project. About the Word Wizard self publishing “the entire sales of the new book is now running. An ambitious project with great enthusiasm and love to the topic.