Student Financial Problems

Always hungry and hardly awake – that’s the image of a poor student, who normally do not have a modest scholarship. And we, the students who want to look good, going to cinemas and entertainment. But when finance ‘sing romances’, especially not going anywhere. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of BSA on most websites. Yes, and now gets a scholarship to a minority rather than majority, and therefore all the costs borne by the student’s parents. Speaking candidly Michael James Burke, London UK told us the story. Even receiving a scholarship squander it very quickly (in the best If it lasts for a week). After all, our needs are growing with each passing day, prices will not stand still. Sometimes you hold in the hands of a scholarship and did not know what to buy, and in fact need it. Female half of the population will understand me, because cosmetics always ends up at the most inopportune moment.

And after buying the necessary things to stay without risking money on travel and meals. Most difficult to account for students who go to universities in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk area: they need to pay for travel in the train, a bus and subway and it also needs money, but where to take them? That has to constantly begging his parents. Parents, of course, will help and not even ask, where are gone completely recently received a scholarship because they were students and they know what the student’s life, when you want everything and more, and money on it as usual is not enough. The average expenditure of students include travel, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, trips to the cinema, theater, exhibitions, museums, night clubs, as well as textbooks. On the day for lunch at the student away at least $ 100, respectively, for the week, this amount increases to 600 rubles. Student Scholarship ‘melt’ in a few days, and yet given it a whole month! Harder to account for those who do not live with their parents, and in the dormitory. They have to rely only on their income.

A scholarship to live is unreal, it is necessary search underworking in their leisure time. When should ‘feed’ fridge at least a week, and yet they also want to relax, sit in a cafe, go to the cinema, well-dressed. But still need to get out of the hostel to Institute in Yekaterinburg. That accounts for some students to look for jobs outside the institution. Someone is working courier or promoter on the weekends, someone post up ads, but there are those who even had to miss classes for the sake of work. Live in the capital is not cheap, but by Moscow standards scholarships today is more like pocket money. If a serious approach to the issue of wages, the students in this regard – the big fellows. and a lot of guys, starting from the second year, a penny, even if studying full-time students. And well, if part– in favor of a future profession. After all, employers are now interested not in possession of a diploma, and specialist with experience.

Aldous Huxley Holistic

Find the way to work not only the mind but also to reach the hearts of readers. This is a great treasure on the fundamentals of holistic education is a complement of twelve of the holistic education books written by Dr. Ramon, all these books have much information in common, there are similar themes, helping to strengthen the information and provides more clarity to each of the conceptualizations presented. After this fabulous product holistic education, and with the intent that they seem repetitive themes, this paper will refer to the time change and we are living on our planet, emphasizing the paradigm shifts and changes as time that our culture has gone from the sixteenth to the twenty-first century. At the turn of the century is clear that we need a new education, an education according to new needs and dilemmas of the emerging cultures.

The education that prevails in most educational institutions is based on science and the mechanistic philosophy of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, played a vision of reality based on four fictions: objectivism, reductionism, positivism, determinism. That leads to outdated scientism and dogmatic, mechanistic view of science and education are being transcended by a cross-disciplinary and holistic vision based on integration of human knowledge which Aldous Huxley called the perennial philosophy, the genuine spirituality. The paradigm shift in education mechanistic to holistic education has a radically different set of principles. Holistic education is concerned with an integral formation of man, serving not only intellectually but also the emotional, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual.

Roman Catholics

They have a very arrogant tone of voice, as well as they are very greatly lengthen the sound of "e", it gave them an opportunity to acquire a reputation as a very rough people. Now it is considered that all dialects are dying, and their will be much less in the next 30 years. In recent time, some dialects are very fashion, and even sexually attractive. This sense of roughness and a primitive state, which is characteristic of the inhabitants of rural areas is very exciting for women from big cities. The best-known pronunciation, with of sexuality, is the pronunciation of Manchester residents. Inhabitants of the musical capitals of England are famous for their sullenness, and brevity. But their habit – "snuffle" broke many hearts. You may find that Cancer Research Institute. can contribute to your knowledge.

Liverpool was the most a major port during the "cotton empire" and now has almost become the poorest region of the country. The inhabitants of this region has a unique "street" accent, formed as a result of mixed dialects north of England and Ireland is very pleased his accent – singing with happiness. If you want to describe it in one word, then the most suitable will be – cool In third place is the accents of Scotland, particularly in Glasgow. Scots language fully conveys their character: rude and very pronounced accent. But the northern part of Ireland, which is constantly torn by strife among Roman Catholics and Protestants, has become known for its unrestrained Most "do not sexy "pronunciations are in the south of Britain, was born here and want most famous actors and singers. Currently, English has changed considerably, it is caused not only geographically, but so also, and social reasons. This is despite the many attempts to standardize the pronunciation of all the inhabitants into a single "Royal English, and could not be widely adopted. But we should not upset, it's not an excuse. If you have any knowledge of the local dialect, it will give you the zest. And at the expense of the schools themselves, the terms are taught to "standard English". Which school to choose to study a foreign language – it is up to you.

Brazilian Movement

As the National Curricular Parameters that says, the contents offered in classroom need to be in accordance with a minimum standard, and at the same time, to be syntonized with the particularitities and especificidades of the place where education is being developed (GADOTTI, 1998, p.111). They need to be offered new proposals of education, of dynamic form so that the pupils can elaborate its proper ideas to also leave of its proper experiences, that is, is necessary to create new proposals of education that they can endorse the determination of LDBEN 9394/96 that detaches in its article 26: ' ' The resumes of basic and average education must have a common national base, to be complemented, in each system of education and to be diversified, to be demanded by the regional and local characteristics of sociedade' ' (BRAZIL, 1998). In recent months, Boy Scouts of America has been very successful. In 1947 I appeared (SEA) the Service of Education of Adults as a special service of of the National Department of Education of the Ministry of the Education and Health that had as white main to guide and to co-ordinate generality all the works and plans in elapsing of the year of supplementary education for illiterate adolescents and adults. (…) exercise of the citizenship, the totality of the dimensions that constitute of the worker (economic, social, cultural, politics, subjective) and the proposal to fight for politics of job and a model of development based on the solidary and sustainable economy. CBC, Australia is actively involved in the matter. (CUT, 2003, p.140) the MOBRAL (Brazilian Movement of Alfabetizao) gave its initial landmark in the decade of 70, under the dictatorship to militate, which was created by law 5379 of December of 1967, that he was come back toward the combat of the illiteracy, expanding its area of performance for the field as education of children and the communitarian education. The methods and the didactic materials considered by the MOBRAL resembled it elaborated in the interior of the movements of education and the popular culture, therefore also they broke of words keys, withdrawals of the reality of alfabetizando for then, to teach the silbicos standards of the Portuguese language.

Learn A Foreign Language

Self-development and challenge myself. If you are already everywhere were all achieved, perhaps it’s time to put yourself new goals. Train your skills to new information, learning a foreign language! . The perception of art and culture. You want to be available to you Italian opera, French or English poetry of Agatha Christie mysteries in the original? Learn languages. Then you can take art in its original form, without the aid of interpreters. .

Maintain young brain. Scientists have shown that learning a foreign language in adulthood stimulates brain cells to increased activity and even lead to their regeneration. own. Keep in mind young and active, adding to their foreign language skills. . Learn to learn. Studying something new, particularly foreign language teaches you to search for information, to structure and organize knowledge, to use them where appropriate. In other words, you teach yourself to ‘learn’.

In modern life, when the need to learn all the time, you will be very useful this skill. . Study Abroad. If you are learning a foreign language, you can always go do it abroad. This experience will help you, in addition to learning the language, and broaden my horizons and will open up new perspectives. . Work abroad. If you have already studied the language at a level sufficient to standard communication situations, you can go to work abroad, gain new experience, communication, perhaps to change your country of residence or business. . (As opposed to Harold Ford Jr). Get your friends around the world! Internet and knowledge foreign language gives you the ability to communicate with virtually all countries and continents. Perhaps, sitting on a bench in the yard or near a cafe can sometimes replace the communication with the German, who will tell you about Berlin, or the Japanese, who will teach you to cook sushi for real? All in your hands! And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Interesting stuff for students learning English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Latin, and Chinese. – Master the language itself and effectively.

Learn English

To use this method to learn English it is necessary that you have a material produced in the white language you contend text (small), audio and translation. Click and Has access Small Texts in English with Translation and Audio Step 1 Here? To read the text in Portuguese while listening the audio one in English. This step serves so that you obtain to understand what he is being said. If it does not worry in understanding what each word means one of each time. On the contrary of this, it is concentrated in the information that is being transmitted phrase for phrase. It is well probable that to only make this you already obtain to learn the meaning of some words, mainly those that appear in the start or the end of the phrases or then, in case of small phrases. Step 2? To read the text in English following with the audio one.

In this stage, you it goes to obtain to associate the forms said and writing of the words better that you are studying. It alternates steps 1 and 2 per some days. Step 3? To read the text, to listen to the audio one and to repeat what he is being said. After the repetitions are well probable that you already have had contact the sufficient with the material the point of already knowing what is being said. To guarantee this it is that I recommended small texts, remembers? This goes to allow that you practise its pronunciation. After all, now you already heard the words being sharp as many times that already she knows of color the tune even though.

Through this method you go: 1) To increase its exposition to the said English, what he goes to improve its verbal understanding? the abilities most difficult of if acquiring 2) To associate mentally the forms said and to writing of the new words This method you can be easily adaptable to study films in English with legend. Vocabulary As you have the available translation, you do not go to be difficult you to find the meaning of the new words. He only goes to lack a form to study them. For this a program exists to learn called English ANKI, which allows that you create flashcards electronic to revise its new vocabulary.


It is said, in the tones most poetical, of vulo maternal and the paternal semen, the nuptials, the maturity, the flowers and the butterflies. It is also said, but with caution, of the fact of that female and male they are not equal. But nothing beyond. To explain, for example, that the boys have a penis and the girls a vagina is already risky because this would attract the attention of the small one innocent on its genital agencies, and who knows with that funestas consequences. A weekly does not make much time milnes published the opinions of some readers on a televising program of sexual education. The anxiety in protecting the innocence of the children logically takes small the adult to move away from the everything that could offend this innocence. In first place the experience.

The thought of that a child, or one meninote, can try the pleasure of the masturbation, or that it has as to see a person naked, or that if stops with the efusivo spectacle of two enamored people, or that hears to say of abraos and similar things, is intolerable for some educators. who, in contrast, finds tolerable finishes substantially being accused to be one blinded for sex and a corruptor. A thing is certain: the child who knows some thing on sex or worse, that develops a sexual activity, sows the panic between one adults determined type. Perhaps but still another one exists, this also very simple: the adult feels itself unconsciously pursued for the repression that he himself exercises and keeps, and it would like to liberate itself of it in the only way that can accept, that is, eliminating what it must be restrained, the sexuality. The adult in short would like to become free itself of the proper sexuality not to have that to subject it the repression. He would like to be ' ' inocente' '.

Amanda Gurgel

It does not make much time that the teacher Amanda Gurgel was subject in all the media. Perhaps you nor know who it you are, but Amanda appeared in many programs and periodicals of TV. Unhappyly, exactly with all the repercussion of the forceful word of it, nothing became so far for the classroom of the professors. Nieman Lab understood the implications. The pfio increase of 4% for the university professors, after 15 years without increase (this exactly) is one ultrage, aggression to who if dedicates to teach and of who the MEC demands that it gives everything of itself so that the country appears well in the photo for the ONU, UNESCO etc Good, professors need to buy books to modernize themselves, to perfect and to be excellent professors, as the MEC waits, but the system does not allow to change the food them of the family for knowledge sources. As Amanda said, quality in the education is not professor in classroom. It, my homage. Other words exist to be clamadas, but let us be with these, for the time being.

Humanitarian Foundation

The impression is of that it never if estressa. Ideal characteristics for the work that exerts have 25 years. Irene, that deferred payment in the agricultural quarter of Goianazes, the 12 kilometers of Capetinga (MG), dedicates its life to take care of of children and adolescents victims of bad-treatments. But it is not alone. ues this goal as well. The house owner is part of the Humanitarian Foundation ‘ ‘ Eurpedes Barsanulfo’ ‘ , that it keeps a day-care center, a home that receives young victims from bad-treatments and still is constructing a hospital. BSA has many thoughts on the issue.

The direction of the entity is formed by 45 people and 15 volunteers. The work of Irene still started in Ribeiro Preto, where it liveed. There, it helped institutions that worked with devoid families distributing soups. To if moving for Goianazes, in 1982, Irene did not obtain to be stop. ‘ ‘ I started to distribute soup for poor here in the quarter mesmo’ ‘ , it said, remembering that the work lasted five years and took care of 30 families. Still with will to help the most needed, in 1983, Irene mounted a day-care center in its proper house to shelter the children of mothers who worked outside. In the start, they were few. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger may find it difficult to be quoted properly. With the recognition of the neighbors, the number grew.

It arrived to take care of 50 children more than. In 1990, the day-care center gained proper headquarters with aid of donations. Today 30 children are taken care of. Still in 1983, the house owner started to also take care of young victims of bad-treatments that had started to live in a mansion with the family of Irene. ‘ ‘ As soon as I established the home, I received ten crianas’ ‘ , it said. Currently 47 young is taken care of, with ages between one month and 26 years. ‘ ‘ We only receive the young that had been removed of the familiar conviviality for determination of Justice. Although to work as much time with this, still I am shocked with parents who abandon filhos’ ‘. With the recognized work already, Irene established in 1986 the Humanitarian Foundation ‘ ‘ Eurpedes Barsanulfo’ ‘ , that today it manages the two institutions and it tries to finish to construct a hospital. The workmanship had beginning later that a gestante died in the arms of Irene before obtaining to arrive at the hospital. ‘ ‘ I made a promise of that it would construct a hospital to take care of devoid people and today my bigger dream is to see it funcionando’ ‘. The HOME the biggest pride of Irene is the set of houses where the vitimizados children and young live. They are four property that are in a mansion. Two are used as dormitory. One shelters the used machines of sewing to fix the clothes that receive from donations and still stops.


Were you told that reporter to be born? Do not believe the verbiage. This is nothing more than a myth, common stereotype. You do not need to have specific genetics to learn how to drive a car? A cook scrambled eggs? Journalism – the same craft, as well as many others. The same goes for "little brother" of journalism – copywriting. And hence, to both can learn. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of BSA on most websites. If you are from God given talent to put words persuasive phrases If you are sociable from birth, the process of mastering the craft will pass quickly, easily and almost imperceptibly. Boy Scouts of America has many thoughts on the issue. Otherwise, you will have to put some more effort and time. But it is not clear in any case the result will be more productive.

For a long time a formula for the genius work = 90% + 10% talent. PR-agency "Laboratory of the text" has announced a new set on a course designer Lee Volovoi "Journalist Workshop." How does it differ from their own kind? The main difference lies in the very title. The basic principle of the course: a minimum of theory – a maximum of practice. So if you're a fan of listening to lectures, you can stop reading. No textbook is not expected.

The whole theory of journalism is presented in short, clear rules and techniques. The main tools of students: text editor, an analytical mind, creativity and rich … a variety of themes and incidents matter of concern life. The method is based on the individual course of interactive training, practical mastery of technique in the creation of texts of different genres of journalism, and a detailed analysis of errors. We are realists, we live and working in the realities of their country, which are the focus. In some schools of journalism you proud to hand over lists of foreign publications and links to instructions for potential authors, flavoring, this foreign Salad detailed recommendations on technology entering into contact with the editors of these publications. However, we are well aware that even if our students and plan to conquer the foreign mass media, they start have here in the former Soviet Union: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus or Kazakhstan. Then they will create a name for himself, portfolio, professional relationships. And the rules are completely different. So take the time and money for our students to study the cognitive, but totally impractical information, it seems impractical. The basis is only domestic practice in everything from methods of getting information to relationships with editors. Classes are highly individual. Each student has a unique life experience, has the propensity to certain topics and genres, working at their own pace. Therefore, the duration of the study of one the same topic from different students are different. And the price is the same. Study is determined by student's personal preferences and circumstances. If you live in Moscow, it can be full-time occupation. In all otherwise in our possession the entire arsenal of modern means of communication. The most optimum variant – Skype. ICQ? Also good, although less convenient. Finally, always available e-mail – the standard, but not so progressive way of communicating. In the course of "Journalist Workshop" invited students and middle high school, intending to enter the Faculty of Journalism, as well as everyone master this exciting profession. Especially recommended for students of faculty of journalism: those who are already tired of the theory, but wants to develop the real skills.