Brazilian Movement

Caetano that iniciono liked it very name, finished for if interesting for the Helium workmanship and, porcerta pressure of the other friends and lacks of a name better, it baptized music as name of Tropiclia; that it would come to imply in the proper name of the movement. Beyond Caetano and Gil, the group of the tropicalistas ones was formed for Tone Z, singer and bahian composer whom So Paulo goes to enter into an alliance it the others msicosdo movement. The mutants, So Paulo band quemisturava elements of the rock and roll with thematic Brazilian and eraformada by Rita Lee, Sergio Days and Arnaldo Baptista. The GAL singers Coast eNara Lion and the letristas Jose Carlos Capinam and Torquato Grandson, thickened otime, that she still had Rogrio Duarte, plastic artist, poet and composer. The basic moment for the effective beginning of the tropicalista movement, was in 1967, III the festival of Brazilian popular music, where Caetano Veloso presented, to the side of the Beat Boys, music ' ' Joy, Alegria' ' , and Gilbert Gil, folloied of ' ' The Mutantes' ' , it presented, ' ' Sunday in parque' '. Musics, queganharam the room prize and according to place, respectively, they had shaken opblico, and they had displayed what it would come to be the Tropicalismo. It appears then the idea to degravar an album in set, where all the tropicalistas musicians participated.

It appears then, in 1968, the record baptized of ' ' Tropiclia or Panis Et Circense' '. The record, that receives the term from manifesto of the tropicalismo, synthecized aidia that they came working until then. One mixture of elements, contributions of different styles and a mixture of aspects gifts Brazilian nacultura. Valley to remember that in 1968, year of the launching of the discomanifesto, was the period height of the cultivation, which the movement tropicalistarepresentava and that in Brazil, in this exactly year, was created the Act Institucionalnumero 5, (AI-5) that it represented the period hardest of the military regimen. .

Fidel Movement

Francisco Julio although little known was a great name of the pernambucana politics, and for the largeness of its ideals, a species of Joaquin aloprado Nabuco. The member of the house of representatives and pernambucano lawyer Francisco Juliano Arruda de Paula was born in the Good Device Hope in Good Garden in day 16 of February of 1915. Son and grandson of gentlemen of devices with a social conscience above average studied in the Sheep Lion and Pernambucano Gymnasium and formed themselves in right. He defended poor persons, peasants and prostitutes. With the decay of the devices and the ascension of the usineiros the campesinato found space to fight for improvements and it finished being a fort ally them unions and leagues peasants.

He used its legal and religious knowledge to find in the Civil Code and the bible weapons of defense of its anarchic and marxist ideals. The leagues had had a very great development in government JK and had finished despertando the resistance latifundium them. The ascent of the price of the sugar motivated the expulsion of the peasants of its areas of plantation strengthening the social movements. Inhaled for success of the Cuban Revolution, Julio organized marches of peasants and radicalized the speech. The support to the candidacy of the usineiro Cid Sampaio allowed that they obtained the dispossession of the Galilia device what the resistance of the proprietors to the movement encrudeceu. Internal divisions in the socialist movement enter the leadership of Julio and the great name of the Communist Party Luiz Carlos You give for who the campesinato was not the classroom appropriate to make the Revolution and yes the proletariat, had weakened the movement. It lived entering in conflicts with the colonels of the Zone of Mata. State deputy and federal was friend of Fidel and Che Guevara, defended the Agrarian Reformation in the Law or the Marra.

Brazil Movements

We notice today until this concentration of the popular participation in the movements as: MST (without lands, here in Brazil) and the Zapatista Movement (in Mexico) that they fight for its rights before the government. POPULISM What we can perceive from the text of Francisca Rafaela Parga, that Populism was not one exclusive politics of ; therefore others you harness as Russia and United States were implanted such ideal. However we can see that such phenomenon became primordial in the American Latin territories, if materialize in some countries, presenting some traces in common, but with its particularitities. To broaden your perception, visit Center For Responsible Lending. When we work Populism, we cannot leave to reflect the participation of the popular layers, which the speech of the populist leaders if directed. Thus the extraordinary one is visible, presence of people who if had detached with its power of speech.

The identification of the people for the speech, is related with the fact of many to belong social environment the same; example of that is Prevents Pern, a young poor person and humble, of classroom low that obtained they become it saint of the Argentines; through its charismatic and discursiva figure, that changed the passage of the politics of Argentina. BSA addresses the importance of the matter here. The Peronist movement helped in the reinforcement of these popular layers, that if had congregated, with the poor persons and the diligent classrooms in the search of claims for the improvement of the life conditions. In way this process of Argentine fights, we can see clearly the figure to them of the caudilhismo emblematic, in a feminine version and discursiva as it is seen It prevents Pern. However and notable the intense state intervention in the economic and social relations, one politics against the economic imperialism, that sends in the formation of the industry and the reinforcement of the coorporativas institutions, as labor unions and etc. Therefore is clearly that Populism was an union of the diligent classrooms and the capital, in a context of changes in the relations of production especially in some countries as Argentina and other diverse regions of Latin America; that to place protagonists whom improvement in the conductions of life searchs, but they demonstrated the nationality spirit, patriotism, with a desire of freedom, disruption with the forces existing oppressors.

Joo Landmarks

This made with that the waters of Pira was directed for the tunnel of Tcos, with 8.5 kilometers of length. According to Luis Ascendino Dantas the Light, ' ' for a reason or purpose indenizao, paid to the state the amount of a thousand stories of kings, being the half in money and to another half in policies of the Popular Loan of the State of Rio De Janeiro ' ' . However, according to Dantas, ' ' cities affected for these workmanships, that were Joo Landmarks, River Claro and Pira, had not had any compensation financeira' '. The barrage of Tocos is in the region of River Clearly and the water was deviated for the tunnel for the stream bed of the old Tocos stream, in this city, until the city of Is Joo Landmarks. The GUAS OF DAM IF APRXIMA OF the CITY With the arrival of the company the upheavals to the marcossense population, therefore, to feed such plant were dammed and deviated the course of diverse rivers, as the River Pira and the Lages, forming the Dam Brook of the Lages.

To the few, even so in a relatively fast process, waters of dam had been if approached of They are Joo Landmarks and the destruction started to be felt for that they lived next to waters. Many agriculturists had lost its lands, its plantations with floodings caused for the advance of the dam. Thus the new guest of the region, the Light, started to be seen of another form, therefore, although to have benefited the city with the installation of the electric energy and with the available jobs, its action had started to harm Is Joo Landmarks and the rumors of the true intention of the company to circulate had passed it for the city. Over 1909 return, with the increase of subject to flooding and the insufficient conservation of the dam, the malaria if spread causing an epidemic that led resulted alarming for the city.

History Mayan Calendar

Mayan calendar – a system of calendars, set up in pre-Columbian period in Central America. To know more about this subject visit Nieman Foundation. Maya civilization represents several interconnected states, most of which were destroyed at the end of September at. For more information see David Delrahim, Los Angeles CA. To this day remains a mystery, Who were the Mayans, where they got such a multilateral and accurate knowledge of astronomy and learn about the laws of motion of celestial bodies. In his Mayan calendar described five cosmic cycles, the duration of each of which is 5125 years. Sufficiently interesting is the fact that the calendar starts ticking long before the very culture of the Maya – August 13, 3114 bc According to representations of the Maya, this is the beginning of a new era, which emerged at the behest of the gods.

It is known that the Mayan priests conducted systematic observations of the movements of celestial bodies and talked about their impact on the natural environment and life rights. Scientists proved that the Mayan calendar more accurately coincides with the astronomical year, rather than generally accepted Gregorian calendar 2011. Mayan calendar is quite complicated in calculations and represents some cycles, which are connected with each other. The most famous of these is the Tzolkin, consisting of 260 days. Tzolkin is a combination of periods of 13 and 20 days.

Social Studies

In this context, for Pablo Hipolito, the resume if presents as a form of relation of being able that it places an official position. It brings an election of contents that construct the image of an acceptable State for the society. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine gathered all the information. Years after Law N. 5,692/71, in 1976, he would carry it n 790 is created by the Ministry of the Education, that he determines that the lessons of Social Studies for 1 degree, could only be given by the proper professionals formed in Social Studies. Pablo Hipolito calls the attention, for the qualification of the professors formed in Social Studies, resaltando that these left the course with a knowledge essentially global of to be taught contents, that is, the professor went for the half classroom that unprepared, it took what it if to abide solely in didactic books where, at the time more than today, constituam a masked form of the intervention of the State in the process of education of the pupils.

Of such way, the proposal metodologica for the initial and final series of Ensino of 1 and 2 degrees, and of the proper university are come back toward the Traditional pedagogical trend or a factual education, that consists of a spreading of the history of kings, heroes and battles, reducing of the man the lowermost object category in the universe of huge monsters that decide the way of the humanity and the paper of each one of we. Of the past alone if it remembered of the heroic facts, the version that engrandece. From the decade of 80 new quarrels about the education of History, the traditional methods of education they had been questioned, searching alternative that they took the pupil the construction of the historical knowledge in the classroom. One searchs to breach with methods of education based on the didactic book reading and to incorporate the cinema, music, literature in the education of History as alternative languages to construct the historical knowledge.

Old Greece

Being thus, they will develop a conscience of bigger responsibility at the moment to choose its representatives. The study if he composes in five parts: introduction, development, conclusion, references and annexes. The introduction is composed in the following item: contextualizao, objectives, justification, formularization of the problem, questions of research, hypothesis, definition of terms and organization of the study. (As opposed to Dr. Neal Barnard). The development is composed in: revision of literature, methodology, presentation and analysis of the results of the field research the first chapter presents the electoral process in Brazil since the establishment of the Republic and the disability of the rights of the people to choose its representatives. In as the chapter the approach is on the democratic systems of government as primordial principle to the citizenship. The third chapter approaches the electoral processes in the city of Linhares from the decade of 50 from says of some inhabitants and old mayors. 2 THE VOTE IN BRAZIL: HISTORICAL ASPECTS Are considered in this study, the vote as maximum instrument of representation of the popular will in any instance.

E, even so in Brazil, the vote is obligator, not if it believes that this characteristic comes to stain the intention of popular that it locks up the electoral processes. The vote, however is not an isolated action. It is the culminncia of a long process of fight for the popular participation at different times and civilizations. 2,1 VOTE IDENTITY: SOCIAL ASPECTS AND POLITICIANS the word vote sends to a concept and an action that retraces to Old Greece. Appeared from the moment where the State if organizes and if structure, it was, however, acquiring different applications in agreement the interests of each time and society. On the other hand, identity, in the sociological conception ‘ ‘ … fills the space between the interior and the exterior?

Brazilian Literature

According to Great Arajo, the village of Almeida, in Portugal, gave the nickname to this family, with the most illustrious houses, which they had left prominent prelates and general valorosos. In Brazil, it consists to have some familiar groups of descent of the Almeidas European. One of them, in particular, descends of the association of the Almeidas and Correias, from there appearing the family Leather strap of Almeida de Pernambuco. The name of Safekeeping Leather strap of Almeida, married Manoel de Barros Lindoso appears in the pernambucana genealogy. They had been owners of the Baet Device, in Mires (Clientele of Una), in the State of Pernambuco, during the first half of century XIX. Of this union Francisca was born Leather strap of Almeida, that in 09/05/1841, married in the chapel of the Baet Device with its cousin of according to degree, Herculano Antonio Jose Marroquim, natural of Boa Vista, Recife, being it son of Antonio Jose Marroquim and Anna Leather strap of Almeida, of where appeared the family Leather strap of Almeida Marroquim.

In all Brazil, of north the south has Almeida, mainly, north-eastern. Possibly they have come of Portugal at different times. It has the ones that had come in the period of the captainships and have the ones that had entered in Brazil in each general government. However, these that had colonized the hinterland already were descendants of Portuguese who came of So Paulo for different points of the interior of Minas Gerais, the Pia, the Paraba, the coast of the Bahia and Pernambuco, Alagoas, of the Cear, Maranho, Par and Rio Grande of the North. The Portuguese weapons and blazon of this family had been obtained no longer Brazil, for services given to the Crown, through the governors of the provinces, for order of the Portuguese empire to its gentlemen, donees and military ex-officio or not, in a similar way as it occurred with the entradistas that left the coast for the interior and the So Paulo bandeirantes, mining and bahian. The Almeidas of the Cear, the Paraba, the Great river of Norte and Pernambuco is of the same trunks, had arrived in port in the Bahia at the same time and appears in century XVIII in Pernambuco, in the formation of the first populations in the Farm of Pan d? Water, in the Great Farm of Belm of the Cabrob and in lands of Santana de New Terra the Parnamirim.

Assistance Technique

INTRODUCTION the APROBACA is a destined association to help the agriculturists, in the field of agricultural sciences, and in the development of the communities in a general context. Having its headquarters located in the small farm Hand saw of the Oxen, in 4 District of the city of Caruaru. The APROBACA has the support of the Institute of agronmica Research of Pernambuco (IPA), the Company of Assistance Technique of Agricultural Expansion of Pernambuco (EMATER? FOOT), and of the secretariat of agricultural development of the city of Caruaru, beyond all the partners of the association. But, the APROBACA not to be only worried about the interests of its partners, it searchs through the support of ' ' parceiros' ' cited the top the development of all the community. Although its name: Association of the Producers of Batatinhas de Caruaru, today the APROBACA also searchs benefits for all the cultures and creations that are produced in the community. Official site: Boy Scouts of America. But, better to understand the history of the APROBACA, will come back to the year of 1952, to reflect better on the introduction of the culture of batatinha in Caruaru.

INTRODUCTION OF the CULTURE OF the BATATINHA IN CARUARU Has culture of batatinha was introduced in the city of caruaru in 1952, says that this happened by chance, the agriculturist of the small farm marimbondo, Joaquin Antonio, taking a walk for Hope in the Paraba, acquired a small amount of potato seed, and decided to plant it in its property to make an experience, seeing that the farming if held well in that region in the following year, Joaquin Antonio was again to the Hope and acquired more potato seed and again he planted in its property. the years if had passed and its Joaquin continued planting batatinha. With the success of its experience in 1980, 15 agriculturists of the city of Caruaru if had interested for the culture, where it behaved very well in the planted areas, mainly in 4 District of caruaru.

Brazil Military

The opposite was given. The military had won the war of the weapons and had lost the war of the speech. As he affirms Jarbas Passarinho: ' ' The support of the press, we lose it when the censorship was imposed it and, over this, for censors unprepared, incapable to distinguish a notice from a message for the guerrilla. As the freedom is for the press the same that the oxygen for the life, the media did not delay to be against the government and to season, skillfully, land for the leaders of oposio' ' .6 The imposition to ' ' silncio' ' on the guerrilla, in the sample how much we must recoup the voice of the military, does not stop becoming it only regarding the subject, but yes to point it as enriquecedora contradiction with respect to the constitution of ampler history of the conflict. ' ' The destruction of the past? or better, of the social mechanisms that tie our personal experience with the one of the last generations? he is one of the dismal phenomena most characteristic and of the end of century XX. Almost all the young of today grow in a species of continuous gift, without any organic relation with the public past of the time where they live.

Therefore historians, whose craft is to remember what others forget, never becomes more important that ' ' (HOBSBAWM: 1995:13) our objective is to extend the quarrel on the directions of the guerrilla. It must, therefore, to effect the exploration of the divergences. The military are the only ones that they have information that they are useful to the clarification of the episode, as tells to the reporter Jose Mitchell in news article in the Periodical of Brazil: ' ' Private documents of the Army, disclosed have two months for the Periodical of Brazil, had shown that more than 60 guerrillas of the PC of the B had been died and are buried in places of difficult access and that 16 6 military Jarbas Passarinho are colonel of the reserve.