Love And Richness

LOVE, RICHNESS AND EMOTION an old man already, living its last years, was interrogated about its richness: – It has you an immense wealth, if was granted to it umdesejo, it wanted what you? Still lacks something to it to complete asua richness? – Yes, it said velhinho, it lacks the emotion to me. Emotion is something quenunca had in all my life. It would like to know what it is to cry deemoo or the least sentiz it. Therefore we know that the life has two felt: the material and oespiritual. The wealth comes for the fight of the life and also apareceratravs of another way can, more the emotions of the life does not appear poracaso. We do not find it in no gallery. We find it noteatro of the life.

The emotions that we have are in our skill of living. We can we feel to have it at any time. In a sincere smile entreas people have an emotion. In a squeeze of hand with reverence in nossointerior, we feel emotion. When we make a charity and we take off algumdo suffering, we can until crying of emotion. When contemplating the belezadas flowers, the green of an immense forest, the smile of one crianaetc. In the life we can have a infinity of emotions, not of nor paradescrever them. To the times we can buy one floated and to place in nossaimensa winterred and not to feel emotion, plus somebody, with difficulty, can buy a toy for its son, can feel emotion.

We can say with certainty that man, although to have one grandefortuna, never felt emotion, because he never loved. Many times we nopercebemos the direction of the life, this is as to enter in one closed room to eviver in the blackout, it is as to sail in the darknesses and not to arrive lugarnenhum. For terms emotion, we need to full the love heart. In bblicaest written that the men launched great money addition in the dotesouro coffer, plus a poor widower it launched only ones moedinhas, and entoCristo called the apstolos and said: This widower launched the quetodos more than, because those men had launched more of what he had of surplus, its sustenance elalanou all. This for the apstolos was an emotion. We cannot condemn the wealth and nor the richness of somebody, we maissabemos that it in itself not in the ones of the emotion in the life. We need to love! Oamor is a saving that relieves incalculable interests. That man passoupela life without loving, only accumulating wealth, therefore never teveemoes. We need to have faith that the life is one dom of God and that to setivermos the full heart of love, we will have emotions, because it this simple nascoisas of the life and is non-separable friend of the love.

Google Adwords

As we know to use the system of marketing of google Adwords not e' so simple as it seems. Beginning they commit fatal errors when they initiate its campaigns. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit American Diabetes Association. I go to cite some of them for helping it and if preventing of future failures in marqueting on-line.CINCO FATAL ERRORS IN the ADWORDS: 1) To create announcements without words keys. E' very important that the least 3 words keys added in its list of words also consists in the announcements. This anger to make with that its I announce has relevance to google.2) To create a list imenssa of words key. On average depending on the performance branch a list of in the maximum 15 words must be used chosen keys ' ' dedo' ' so that its I announce does not have clicks desqualificados.3) not to cover offers to be in the first page.

Infelismente, so that it increases the relevance of its announcements, in the 30 first days e' necessary that you pay a little expensive in the clicks. This fara with that its CTR increases. Also increasing the relevance of its announcements and consequentemente diminishing the value of the words chaves.4) not to follow the value of the words key. You must separate to the least 30 minutes of its day to confer minimum value of its words to be in the first page. FORMER: QUALIFIED R$0,30 HOUSE – QUALIFIED R$0,17 HOUSE. Google does not inform when you this paying more than the nessesario for each word key, therefore you must confer one uma.5) One of most fatal errors Most frequent and one of e' NOT TO ADD to WORDS NEGATIVA.Quando KEY a person searchs for a product this example cannot happen: WORD KEY: USING COMPACT DISC OF MUSICAO SEARCH: TO LOWER MUSICAO COMPACT DISC I ANNOUNCE DOES NOT HAVE TO APPEAR FOR THIS THE WORD KEY ' ' BAIXAR' ' IT MUST BE ADCIONADA AS NEGATIVA.Em my site you can request mine ' ' COMPACT DISC TO GAIN MONEY IN THE INTERNET 2.0' ' In my COMPACT DISC you learn as to have one I negotiate of success in the Internet. I wait to have helped. Yours truly, Gabriel Hunter

The Cycle Of The Imperfect Profit And Its End

I buy its product I give my profit to you But then you go and vende or lose the profit Then I find or obtain its profit That before was my profit Then I is with its product and also its profit But it comes one and it destroys my product and finally it steals my profit Then goes and continues the cycle Thus repeating Without knowing that somebody anger to destroy its product and also steals its profit But you, bigger come a greater of what of what Bigger I of what bigger it and of what other and play a rock an angular rock that wounds thus the cycle ofthe profit Then the cycle is weak, defective, and wounded will be established a new cycle a new kingdom Without he acts loses, without bankruptcy acts Without the robbery acts, without the destruction acts Being thus this new cycle swells and this new reign tare joy, peace For that adhering