The attitudes are so important that we worry about choosing devemos if we do not have to look. work if we have not worked, and look after them if you already have. according to the Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms attitude means: behavior, posture, so we can expand the idea that it is attitude. attitude is then conduct a way of behaving bone a way of being a stand what other terms would be in position squaring aser that something is our identity attitudes are a great part of our lives. only with good attitudes are going to be winners and achieve success. Undertaking an attitude of commitment and responsibility is the obligation to be committed means to force you aser ati same thing. devemos first to know because we want to be involved commit to something or someone means time.
devemos therefore analyze positive things left us such a commitment. to be victorious and successful deve every commitment we make something positive. ie we do not want to waste time with commitments that are just foam. We commitments where we have the privilege to provide some idea some deve commit to a cause or office to the end of the winner and become successful. After this the cause for life is one where the mechanic says my auto parts like this cause is where the man looks in his vejes where the man puts his mind to all life but getting to see compromise. Jorge Armando Rosales am currently pastor and lecturer in Galax recido I will use my resources paguina is dedicated to help you on the road to success is what success? Success is a high position that a person made in a specific area.
success is not just having money. Success is success in one area. whatever. share video conferences on: Motivation and Strategy Counseling Liderasgo more I am currently studying theology in the Latin American Christian Missionary Society a biblical theology seminar cove negosios ecomerce started on 01/01/2009 and seeking to expand my paguina and generate traffic.