The workmanship of Milton Saints presents an important contribution in the studies of the Brazilian social reality, when analyzing the challenges of the citizenship ahead of the organization and production of the Brazilian space in the capitalist molds. Soon at the beginning, the author standes out that the material progress reached by the society established a economic rationality, being this rationality taken root in the culture modern and repassed to the countries for the market and the speech and state action, responsible for the creation and maintenance of an ideology of ' ' progresso' '. Ahead of this reality, Saints (1998) make a provoking questioning: ' ' It has citizens in this country? ' ' How it is the situation of the rights social politicians and in Brazil, under a economic model that becomes poor persons millions of people in favor of a presumption collective progress, but that it is in the hand of few? The said economy the rules and if becomes reference for the poor countries, that enter in the game in subordinate position. Such progress legitimated and is incorporated as ideology and modifies the citizenship meaning. More ahead, it affirms that the citizenship was and is a social learning, having passed for a process of construction throughout history. Taking in consideration the reality occidental person, everything initiated with the acquisition of the quality of citizen, as member of a State-Nation, occurred in the Europe in century XVII; after that, it came in century XIX the conquest of collective rights, as the right of the diligent classrooms to form association. In third place, they had no longer come the social rights conquered century XX, having as example the system of the Social welfare. Of this form, the meaning of citizen for the citizens and the society were not produizido in linear abrupt way and nor, but they had been gone and comings, slowly formed by means of history, of the social relations and if they give as conquests, as stages to be vanquished. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Nieman Foundation.
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Visconde Raoul
It speaks of an architect who is in the subsoil of the opera and terrifies the people who zombo of it. This history of ' ' Ghost of the pera' ' it happened in Century XIX, in Paris, in a very pretty building, constructed between 1857 and 1874, on a great underground water sheet. The Ghost of the Opera is a romance that speaks of the history of Erich, an architect of the Palaces in the Prsia. By it to know secrets of the architecture, it was pursued and if it hides in Paris, with a Persian. It understood of architecture, music, literature and also wise person to use the Punjab bow, one of the forms of used hanging in the Prsia. He finished liveing in the subsoil of the Opera, of where it controlled the building, knowing all the hiding places, accesses and tickets. Then the ghost knows Cristine Daa, a singer orphan of a violinista.
It gets passionate itself for it and decides to become it better singer of the Opera. The voice of it appeared for backwards of the mirrors, it starts to believe that it is one ' ' angel of msica' ' that the father of it had sent after deceased. Cristine obtains the absolute success and is recognized in all the Operas, until when it is convoked to substitute Carlotta, the Diva ignorant of the spectacle. Cristine Daa operates leaves it full in its first spectacle, and its love of infancy that sponsored the theater, Visconde Raoul de Chagny was present to the spectacle. Cristine is a young, inexperienced, induced and easily weak young woman. Raoul is a shy and gotten passionate boy, who is corresponded. the Ghost, is sincere, seductive, brilliant, strong and has many good feelings, exactly after as much suffering. The Ghost perceives that Cristine is if approaching to Raoul and takes Cristine for the subterranean.
Familiar Constellations
One is about a therapeutical fenomenolgica boarding based on the discoveries of the German Bert Hellinger. Bert Hellinger is been born in 1925, Germany, and was formed in Philosophy, Teologia and Pedagogia. As member of an order of missionaries catholics, it studied, it lived and it worked during 16 years in the south of Africa, directing some schools of superior level. Later, it deepened its studies and research becoming psychoanalytic e, by means of the dynamics of Groups, of the Primal Therapy, the Transacional Analysis, diverse hipnoteraputicos methods and excessively techniques developed its proper Therapy Sistmica and Familiar which called: Familienaufstellung (respectively: ' ' Rank of the Famlia/de the Familiar' ' , translated it stops: Familiar constellations, in Brazil). The familiar constellation if bases on the use of neutral representatives to represent members of the family or social group of the customer and to work a specific subject brought by this last one. In the sistmica familiar therapy, it is treated to inquire if, in the extended familiar system somebody exists that is entangled in the destinations, choices, beliefs, of previous members of this family. This can be brought to the light by means of the work with the Familiar Constellations.
Bringing it light the emaranhamentos, the person obtains to become free itself more easily of them? it starts to have conscience of what she acts in its system and to have the option of the choice on its proper destination. She has a quiet and subtle dynamics acting on all familiar system, in its history, its events, its culture and proper language. Such dynamics acts all on and any system, and follows proper laws which Bert Hellinger observed in its fenomenolgico empirical work. Hellinger then differentiated and pointed the laws that act on the familiar system and world-wide initiated diverse reflections displayed in its diverse published books. When such dynamic laws are disobeyed, ignored or breached, they generate greater ' ' presso' ' , ' ' peso' ' , ' ' tenso' ' on the system, overloading relations of the internal members the same.