The Midline

Massage of the next group of points should produce slight pressure with a rotational movement for 3-5 minutes: points on the midline of the head at the rear of 12 and 14 cm above the front boundaries of the hair, massaged into the sitting position, a point located midway between the coccyx and the anus. The patient should sit with the squat, points on the soles of the feet in the hole, that is formed by bending the fingers. Speaking candidly Nieman Lab told us the story. The massage is conducted in a sitting position, turns on his right leg, then on the left, symmetrical points on the forearms of 2 cm above the xiphoid process of the radius bone. Massage held alternately on the right and left hands in a sitting position, hand massaged at the same time must lie on the table; symmetrical points on the tibia at 7 cm above the inner ankle, symmetrical points lying in a hole in the middle of the back of the wrist. Massaging should be done alternately in the sitting position, hand on the table, palm down, symmetrical points located at 3 cm from the back side of the midline at the level of the gap between the 4th and 5th vertebrae spinous; symmetrical points on 3 and 5 cm away from the navel. Massage is lying on his back, symmetrical points on the legs at 10 cm above the center of the outer surface ankle. Points are massaged simultaneously symmetrical points located 33 mm away from the corner of the base of the nail pinky legs symmetrical points on the second toe at 3 mm below the outer corners of the nail bed. Calming massage is performed using a light pressure on the point of the rotation in a clockwise arrow.

The impact should last 3-5 minutes. Points located on the front of the midline at 3 and 4 cm above and 2 cm below the navel, should be massaged into sitting or lying on your back, it is desirable to relax. In the day to hold 10 sessions of massage these points. Then take a break for 7-10 days, after which massage course to repeat. Everything about hemorrhoids You can learn more here

Ankle Fracture

For frequent injuries include broken ankle fracture is another lower division of the shin. These fractures are of all fractures by about 20%. The most frequently observed fractures ankle, approximately 60% of all cases but the most severe injury still is a fracture of the lower end of the tibia in the ankle area. It's about the turn of the ankle. Quite rare direct mechanism of traumatic injury ankles. It is a direct blow to the ankle. More often than fractures of the ankle occur when the forced rotation of the foot. Also broken at the ankle of the foot outwards podvertyvanii, there pronatsionny fracture, and inside, there supinatsionny fracture, and when you turn the leg inward or outward, there is a rotational fracture.

In most cases, the mechanism of injury can be combined. For example, when tucking feet outward, as a consequence, the case of separation the inner ankle. Smaller or larger piece of bone off, depending on the degree of podvertyvaniya. Perhaps the phenomenon of deltoid ligament rupture, and the tibiofibular ligaments. In when the traumatic force acts over a longer period, there is flexion of the tibia, which can lead to fracture of about five – seven inches above the ankle, and then the thickness the tibia is much smaller. This process is accompanied, as a rule, subluxation of the foot outwards. Nieman Lab contains valuable tech resources. This type of fracture is called Dupuytren's fracture. When the foot tuck inside, there is a tear-off fracture outer ankle.

For a long time with a significant podvertyvanii, under pressure from the talus fracture can occur as the inner ankle. At this stop will be tucked inwards, that is there inside subluxation of the foot. This type of fracture is a fracture Malgenya. Fractures, which are provoked by rotational movement of lower leg, called the rotary. Such fractures usually cause a helical fractures. When leg is rotated outward, is the emergence of the helical outer ankle fracture, and vice versa. Fracture of the ankle, which is accompanied by subluxation or dislocation of the foot, called perelomovyvihom. The victim worried about the pain in the ankle. Can not even come with perelomovyvihah leg. However, if there was an isolated fracture of the ankle, the foot support function may persist. In this situation, rotation foot inward or outward usually causes a sharp increase in pain. During the inspection there is swelling, and deformity in the foot. The foot is painful at palpation. The diagnosis of a fracture ankle specified by X-ray. On X-rays do not pay attention only to the fracture line, but also to the so-called "plug ankle." Fork ankle form a lower surface of the tibia, ankle tabs on the sides of the top and the upper part of the talus below. If X-rays show expansion plugs ankle specialists suggest the gap ankle ligaments, or shift the outer ankle. Suffered a fracture zone of anesthesia performed with solutions of local anesthetics such as procaine or lidocaine. If the isolated outer ankle fracture, place a plaster cast of the upper third of the leg to the toes of the foot. This dressing is a plaster boots. Duration of immobilization is approximately three weeks. Thereafter bandage removed. Assign physiotherapy, including massage, wraps, paraffin baths, and exercise therapy.