Its mission – to competently implement his plan, with the right light, given the exposure and at the desired angle. From him depends on the correct prepodnesenie goods. When the exposure is, say, a cottage, are incorrect, then all the booklets the building will look the incident and no one designer did not fix it. Sometimes, in order to take a picture of a couple of jars of cream, you need to do a dozen manipulate umbrellas, headbands, soft box, flash, and god knows what else. David Fowler is actively involved in the matter. And all this – in order to achieve the desired result. And of course, that of photographer at this stage requires perfect the technique. When filming finished, the footage goes to the designer.
It compares with the actual desired, ie, C is obtained, to produce the final result. Already using computer graphics, color correction and, where necessary, special effects. Then it all goes to the prepress, the engineers who adapt will succeed at a particular surface, and under one or the other way Print. For example, if the advertisement shows a sunset at sea, and flexo printing is planned, then from the riot of colors in the end little that remains. In addition to the professionalism of the photographer still required and an understanding that for his work the customer pays the money, sometimes considerable, and may get what he wants, what would he or she would not want to. But all that being said, in an applied way of advertising photography. With the development of this industry there professional and semi-professional association of advertising photographers.