We must also face problems with imagination, hope, optimism, confidence and positive mental attitude. In general, there are four basic steps to troubleshooting: define the problem. This stage is critical because if we can define or determine with accuracy the problem there will be advanced enough. We need to ask is what is the problem?, what is the problem? And what is the cause or causes of the problem? Rightly be said that a well thought-out problem is a problem half solved. Necessary to determine clearly what really is the problem and not its symptoms. Questions what? When? where? How? who or what? and why? They help the correct definition of the problem.
Generate alternatives to solve the problem. At this stage you should make use of imagination and creativity to find the different alternatives available to solve the problem. Depending on the complexity of the problem, it will be necessary to find possible alternatives from different points of view. There are problems relatively simple that they can be resolved quickly; perhaps to problems more complex required the participation of others, according to their specialties, or make flowcharts that allow illustrate the different steps necessary to provide a solution to the problem. Evaluate and select alternatives.
Once we have the different possible alternatives we must evaluate them based on certain parameters that we must fix, such as time, resources, cost and consequences. Once we make the assessment we must define the more convenient alternative for us. Implement the solution. The last stage of this basic process is put into action what we determined to solve the problem. It is of utmost importance that once the decision is reached must act promptly. Experience has shown with amplitude that reaching a decision is of great value and that the next important step is to act. The action is what allows a problem to be solved. Generally recommends that once the decision is made there that stop to make new reflections and expect to have more information and that this leads to hesitation, create doubts, prolong the problem and delay its solution. We have to remember that many times you cannot count on the information to resolve a problem. In summary, a problem we must define it in the best possible way, knowing that a problem well defined is a problem half solved. Then with imagination and creativity we need to establish the possible alternatives that give solution to the problem; then evaluate them and decide for the best alternative and finally Act to solve the problem. Original author and source of the article.