Have you ever confronted with the fact that the successful conclusion of the transaction with the buyer frustrated just because the seller did not understand what is really the customer wants? Personally, I have witnessed such a situation already so many times. And sometimes it also happens that a potential customer like and aims to purchase, but takes a completely opposite decision only on the grounds that the consultant was unable to affordable for the buyer to talk about language advantages of this product. What do I mean? Here is a simple example. A few weeks ago I burned my power supply on my computer. Since I constantly use the services of the Internet, but to my inbox every day there are dozens of letters, many of which require a rapid response, for me is simply unacceptable to sit with non-working computer. So on the same day I went to the nearest supermarket for a new computer purchase, at the same time deciding to buy a new fan for the processor. Having come into the store, I opted for a long time from the range, which was presented at the showcase, but still decided to go to a consultant. With power supply, we figured out pretty quickly, but when it came to the fan, then there is the problems started. But here we learned about it only later, when I was about to pay at all, as it turned out, a waste product to me. The consultant asked me a couple of questions and began to look what I said.