Vestibular Contests

Enem, competitions and vestibularesAt seem that the situations that would have to be exceptions had turned routine. At least it is this that we think when some occur lambanas in competitions, vestibular contests and in the National Examination of Average Education (Enem). The people are not few who say that still they participate of competitions for stubbornness, but that they do not believe the smoothness of the dispute. With the vestibular contests the diffidences already are not as much, but time for another one the media comments that a john doe whom had bought the result, or some apanhou themselves another one that was vendendo the answer sheets of the tests. But the monster of the vestibular contest, already does not scare in such a way at least not in our region In other parts of the country, the animal is ugly and swallows people! But the thing seems to be acintosa in the competitions It is clearly and undeniable that always has those that passes in the race and with mritos! But for others as much let us not forget in them that we are people and ' ' law of the Gerson' ' it remains.

E comes the dictated one there: diffidence and broth of hen do not make badly. Additional information is available at Vida Vacation. illustration of this situation comes behind of little time, when the state of Rondnia carried through competition TO GIVE it. It walks had not finished the test and already they circulated rumors and commentaries on the necessity of cancellation of the competition, in virtue of (presumptions) problems in the tests and aiding of somebody on a john doe. Others already shot the affirmation standard, of that the competition had been carried through to only collect money? mainly because the electoral campaign had provoked gaps in many pockets. Moreover, the end of the year if approaches and one how many Justinian codes of Superior Education (IES? the facultieses) if prepare for its processes of captation of new academics.