Reading As Social Reality

CILENE BARROS BREADS ' ' READING AS REALITY SOCIAL' ' I MODULATE I In the last few decades the Formation of reading/mediating Tutorial EAD UFMS Elizabeth Ribeiro SHINING RIVER SUMMARY, the demand for the reading and for the domain of the language written in our society, it is each bigger time mainly as base in the individual experience. It is not only for the world of the work, but also for the magnifying of the social participation and exercise of the citizenship, to be a competent user of the written language is also, basic condition. It is decurrent of this understanding that today is placed for school: to make possible the pupil a formation of that allows to critically understand the social realities and in it to act, knowing, for in such a way, to organize its action. This the necessary pupil to assume itself of the knowledge and means of production and of spreading of these knowledge. In the societies scholars, as ours, this process of appropriation this strict on to the knowledge of the language written mainly the one that if it relates to the reading. This knowledge, as today is mentioned to the type of letramento that in such a way includes to know to decipher the writing, how much to read/to write with reader proficiency/competent writer, to know to use in practical social of reading and writing the strategical ones and procedures that greater confers fluency and effectiveness to the process of felt production and attribution of to the texts with which if PALAVRAS-CHAVES interacts: reader, mediator, reading, school, culture, text INTRODUCTION we cannot leave to think about aspect that says respect of that we are all readers, independent to the fact to be reading or not. This if must to the term of that we do not read only verbal language, since the world if presents we through this language.

Infantile Reading Literature

Evaluation: The project of sarau of the infantile reading systematically will be evaluated, in accordance with the production of child so that the advances in relation to the objectives considered and decided eventual impasses detected in its execution proceeding are perceived. TO READ THE PLEASURE: Sarau of the reading and in the production literal. From the estimated one of that the literary text has the power of the autonomy of the meaning, where if creates the proper rules of communication, between the author and the reader, giving the incentive the activities in the knowledge of the texts given to the meeting that will be in the house of the mediating of the Sarau of the Infantile Reading. Together with the five year children to the twelve years of age. Considering wing diverse modalities recommended in the literature of the area, with emphasis in the mediation of the reading. Developing some important programs as the art in the reading, things among others on the education and culture, on in our city.

Giving to the importance of the reading in all its programs where they consider to explore, the book and infanto-youthful literature in all aspects (form narratives, contents, illustrations, paper, format), respecting it relation between texts and images. Through counted history, in its diverse modality, since the teatral stage it ties the use of small visual resources, as indumentria of personages and referring objects to playful the literary subject that seeing being offered as activity. The reading is something important for the development it human being, therefore through it that we can enrich the vocabularies of our children, getting knowledge, dinamizar the reasoning and the interpretation. Many children do not have patience to read a book, however this happens due to inhabits, due to house initiative. If the reading was one inhabits routine in the life of the children, today they would know to appreciate a good literary composition.


When a workmanship is observed ahead, is seen a film, is read a book, is created in the mind a series of thoughts that can be different to each time that if repeats the same activity to see and to observe the work of art. To the act to observe and to produce thoughts new it can be called Readings of Images. The Reading of Images of a work of art can be developed and be developed allowing that the observer obtains a series of information and meanings enriching its knowledge. Second (National Curricular Parameters) the artist defies the things as they are, to disclose as they could be according to certain way to mean, intraduzvel of the artist or the expectador as that particular workmanship, in one instant particular. (2001, p.37) He also perceives yourself that each person, in accordance with its repertoire and its way of life obtains to see film the same, for example, and to interpret it its way of total different form of another person. Moreover, this same person attending the same film in the following day or another moment produces a description with well different ideas of that it produces it saw when it for the first time. After all, what it is Reading of Images? Superficially it is the comment and visual, auditory, tctil, sensorial analysis and through other directions of a work of art with the posterior production of a descriptive analysis. 1.TARSILA Do Amaral: PRESENCE OF the ART IN the BRAZILIAN MODERNISMO 1.1.BIOGRAFIA Been born in 1 of September of 1886, in the Farm Is Bernardo, in Capivari, interior of So Paulo, Tarsila of the Amaral she was son of Jose Estanislau of the Amaral Son and of Lydia Days of Aguiar of the Amaral, and granddaughter of Jose Estanislau of the Amaral, cognominado ' ' milionrio' ' in virtue of the immense richness accumulated in farms of the So Paulo interior.

Becoming Literate

If one has not learned to read and write as a child – for whatever reasons, and there are many – it is often much harder to become literate as an adult.  But, it is possible.  And that is one of the reasons the Tucson Literacy Movement was established.  It was set up to say to these people, there is another way; you can get out of this predicament and by learning to read and write you will surely increase the potential for your quality of life.
With a group of trained professionals, alongside a slew of people who went through this system and come out the other end – being able to read and write – this movement has helped hundreds of people develop their literacy.  Once they see just how liberating it is to be able to read and write, they often come back to the center to volunteer their time and help other people in Tucson who either missed the opportunity as a child to learn how to read and write, or who are struggling in the school system and cannot get any extra assistance.
Irrespective of who you are or how you got to the point of not yet becoming literate in your life, the Tucson Literacy Movement is here to help.