Organizational Climate

The professor George H. Litwin says that, in its opinion: ' ' Organizacional climate is the quality of the environment inside of the organization, and that it is perceived by the members of this organization as being good or not, and that they influence its comportamento' '. As if note, an idea in the definitions exists in common above: in all they, the Organizacional Climate are on, directly, to the way as the collaborator PERCEIVES the organization with its culture, its norms, its uses and customs, as it INTERPRETS everything this and as it REACTS, positive or negative, to this interpretation. The conclusion is that the Organizacional Climate cannot be ' ' criado' ' for the organization, in the literal meaning of if producing some thing at one definitive moment, but he is something that already exist, operating living creature and, inside of it, resultant, mainly, of internal factors, the taken decisions and the way as the staff is managed by its heads, and reaches the collaborator, directly, in what he says respect to the perception that it has of the company, inducing determined it behavior. Also we cannot forget that, being the organization a true universe of different interests, consequncia of personal and professional positions differentiated, diversified way of life, different way to face the world, will not exist one alone company where all the people who of it participate have concepts and values uniforms. He is not correct to believe that all, inside of the organization, front to its politics, norms and customs, interpret and react in the same way, have the same values and the same intensity of acceptance or rejection on the same aspects or events of the professional and personal life. This means that one same existing situation in the organization, in one determined moment, will be perceived in different way for the diverse groups of collaborators.

Efficient Time Management

A good practice is to make every day a list of tasks. It is easier to be productive during all the day if it knows what needs to carry out each task. To write these tasks and of working in them one by one will help him to stay focused and organized. In addition, it is less probable that it forgets the important tasks, because has already written them. If it creates a calendar for his list of pending tasks, the best thing will be to work in the difficult tasks when she is more alert during the day. If you are a person but productive in the morning, she works in the morning in the most demanding tasks.

If you are a person but productive at night, she works but the plaintiffs at night. In order to avoid to be exceeded, it programs some time of inactivity with friendly and relatives. The management of the time is balance question, not of being an addict one to the work. To program an appointment with its wife, husband or to have lunch with its better friend will allow him to relax and to prepare themselves for the next round of work. A component key of the management of the time is the priority. The important tasks must be prioritized and the tasks that can be delegated must occur to the others. It learns to erase the nonessential tasks of its list of tasks. Once it has planned an agenda for the day, it adhirase as much to her as it is possible. When it is the moment to change to the following task, hgalo. It does not remain in the improvement of a previous task. The perfection can sound like a good idea but, in fact, the perfection and the delay are enemy of the management of the time. A good rule to follow in the management of the time is the Principle of Pareto. This indicates that the 80 percent of the profits will be obtained from a 20 percent of the efforts. You can apply this to his schedule, concentrating in the tasks that offer the greater productivity. All these advice are simple but effective. I hope that these can help to take one more a sensible life him and less estresante.

Familiar Constellations

One is about a therapeutical fenomenolgica boarding based on the discoveries of the German Bert Hellinger. Bert Hellinger is been born in 1925, Germany, and was formed in Philosophy, Teologia and Pedagogia. As member of an order of missionaries catholics, it studied, it lived and it worked during 16 years in the south of Africa, directing some schools of superior level. Later, it deepened its studies and research becoming psychoanalytic e, by means of the dynamics of Groups, of the Primal Therapy, the Transacional Analysis, diverse hipnoteraputicos methods and excessively techniques developed its proper Therapy Sistmica and Familiar which called: Familienaufstellung (respectively: ' ' Rank of the Famlia/de the Familiar' ' , translated it stops: Familiar constellations, in Brazil). The familiar constellation if bases on the use of neutral representatives to represent members of the family or social group of the customer and to work a specific subject brought by this last one. In the sistmica familiar therapy, it is treated to inquire if, in the extended familiar system somebody exists that is entangled in the destinations, choices, beliefs, of previous members of this family. This can be brought to the light by means of the work with the Familiar Constellations.

Bringing it light the emaranhamentos, the person obtains to become free itself more easily of them? it starts to have conscience of what she acts in its system and to have the option of the choice on its proper destination. She has a quiet and subtle dynamics acting on all familiar system, in its history, its events, its culture and proper language. Such dynamics acts all on and any system, and follows proper laws which Bert Hellinger observed in its fenomenolgico empirical work. Hellinger then differentiated and pointed the laws that act on the familiar system and world-wide initiated diverse reflections displayed in its diverse published books. When such dynamic laws are disobeyed, ignored or breached, they generate greater ' ' presso' ' , ' ' peso' ' , ' ' tenso' ' on the system, overloading relations of the internal members the same.