The Perspective

It is important to perceive that this set of cultural traces with greater or minor intensity, arrives until forming an only set that has the other as subgroup. The patriarcalismo, the supridora and affective face of the father, taking care of what of it they wait the members of the clan, and the patrimonialismo, the hierarchic and absolute face, imposing with the traditional acceptance its will its members, coexist side by side in the Brazilian culture (PRATES, 1996). According to Castells (1999, P. 169), the main transformation that is occurring in the family is the end of the patriarcalismo, that ‘ ‘ it is characterized institucionalmente for the authority, imposed, of the man on the woman and children in the scope familiar’ ‘. This system, according to author, is taken root in the civilization, reason of its historical and cultural perpetuation, also determining interpersonal relationships that surpass the limits of the family. One of the main factors, in the perspective of the author, and that it determined this change, is the insertion of the women in the work market. From the decade of 1980, concomitantly with the globalization, it was generalized magnifying of the women in work ranks. With the increasing decline of the patriarcal family, today it is possible to exist a familiar company consisting by a monoparental family, in which they work, for example, mother and son.

Although this, a considerable number of studies continues being developed, with the approach in the patriarcal familiar company. It is important to point out that this type of familiar structure did not leave to exist, but integrally does not correspond more to the representation of familiar organization.

Bibliographical Research

After the collection of the data of this first one, we will carry through the second structuralized half interview, also inside of the preset limit (to see cronograma). Made these, we will give to beginning the final analysis of the data collected for posterior quarrel of the results and consideraes.Elaboration of the two entrevistasFF Bibliographical Research FF Delivery of Daily pay Search of participantesFF Contact for consentimentoFF 1 EntrevistFF Bibliographical Research (final project) Analysis of the data and deliver of projetoFF f vacation ? Term of Assent.

The participants will not be identified by the true names, only the initials. The interviews had been elaborated with the concern not to contain questions of offensive matrix. 3 RESULTS We perceive that for these gestantes the gestacional period brings many transformations, with this notices that some of them are more involved with the pregnancy of what the others. As for example one of the mothers it did not wait to be pregnant more happened, but if it was for to choose would not like to engravidar, therefore she does not obtain to support the changes in the body. Another point that we identifcamos is how much the participation of the parents of the baby in the period of the gestation, was surprising, therefore one of the gestantes not deferred payment with the father of the son, but it of the same assistance it as if it was married. With this we perceive that in some cases the father of the child not to live in the same house does not mean that it does not give to assistance the mother of its son. We identify that some already think about the idealized baby and others do not give much importance when is about the colloquy with the baby, canalize these feelings for arrumao of the room of the baby, the name, the clothes, 4 etc.

Permanent Preservation

The study of the Inga sort it represents an important contribution for the knowledge of the flora of the plain of flooding of the high river Paran. The knowledge of the genetic differentiation of populations of this sort will contribute in the attainment of information concerning the distribution of these species in different environments of this area, having disclosed its preferential habitat, beyond supplying to ecological subsidies and information revegetao. Thus, it was objectified to verify if three populations of the Inga sort (Mimosaceae) in ripria area in the plain of flooding of the high river Paran, in Porto Rico (PR), are genetically isoladas.FUNDAMENTAO TERICAA alagvel plain of the high river Paran constitute the last stretch of this river, free of barrages, in Brazilian territory (AUGUSTIN et al., 1995), presenting flooding pulses that they confer a particular dynamics to the ecosystem, with annual fluctuations of the water level that oscillate between phases terrestrial and aquatic, where the primary production depends on the composition of the water and the fertility of the sediments during the aquatic phase, and of the humidity of the ground during the terrestrial phase (AUGUSTIN et al., 1995; JUNK, 1997; UEM.NUPLIA/PELD, 2000). The Plain of Flooding of Alto Rio Paran (PIARP) presents diverse antrpicos uses as mining, agriculture, cattle, fish and tourism. The state of conservation of the plain is space heterogeneous, obeying a gradient that goes of bigger alteration in next areas to the lesser cities and each time in the measure where it increases its distance of the urban centers (AUGUSTIN and ZAHWSKI, 1996). These riprias areas are recognized for the Ambient Legislation of Brazil as Areas of Permanent Preservation for Law 4,771, of 15 of September of 1965 e, in the stretch of the high river Paran called alagvel plain, these understand 500 bands of m of width and present the vegetal covering in varied disturbance degrees (SOUZA et al., 1997).

Leonardo Richardson

The complexity of the issue requires us to deal with it involving multidisciplinary technicians and professionals, so that we can clearly affirm, that the fundamental objectives of our work, will motivate the highest levels of political power, as well as to the political parties and society in general, so that road safety in the Dominican Republic is a State issue. Also will be our commitment to collaborate in the creation of a social conscience to treat a preventable epidemic, as it has been classified by the World Health Organization. 2008 Was tinged by the large number of victims in sinister vials and so far in 2009, projected that much will not be difference, so we make a call for reflection to all sectors of national life to curb this calamity that affects regardless of creed, ideology, philosophy, or race. Regardless of age or gender. We urge all persons wishing to belong to the network to come to us so that together we present best solutions against road violence. Three thousand human beings are lost on roads every day in the world by users of public roads (motorists and pedestrians) irresponsibility without make reference of the injured. Of these fatalities, Rep. Dominican contributes 6 to 8 deaths each day, which represents a mortality rate per 100,000 population of around 25%, becoming the third Latin American country of major road accidents, according to reports of the MERCOSUR, only to still above us, Mexico and Argentina.

The latest reports submitted in Madrid by the Iberoamerican General Secretariat, confirmed that the overall trend in the number of fatalities in traffic accidents is down; However, in the block in Latin America is the opposite. While Rep. Dominican in the worst situation, since both Mexico and Argentina, as the majority of the Nations began to implement initiatives for the purpose of reducing accident rates. In that regard, we we are falling behind. This group, concerned about the high incidence of claims for transit in Dominican society and its effects on our economy, is preparing to debate the issue with seriousness and breadth, that may lead to make effective decisions, which place the country with dignity from 2010 on the rails of the Decade of the Global road safety, as it will be decreed by the World Ministerial Conference in Moscow next November by the United Nations. This episode of FundReD will be coordinated by Facundo Miguelina ing, and subordination by Stella Fernandez. Both with vast experience and prestige in road Affairs. Important personalities that make up the network of road safety so far are: Mr.

Gustavo Urena, Dr. Vanessa Acosta, Dr. Pablo Arredondo, Mr. Lugo Marcelino, Dr. Bertha Byas, the Licda. Vicenta Solano, Dr. Leonardo Richardson, Lic. Luis Alba, Dr. Aracelis Morales, Mr. Noel Rodriguez, BA Rosa H. Galay, Fernando Custodio, among others. Finally, we want to inform that the network of road safety programme in the remainder of the year, will perform several activities that in due course we will disclose about, requesting you, journalists and media, the solidarity support, since road safety is a commitment of all. Dominican Republic, with studies in engineering electromechanic, energy and road safety. President of the dignity network Foundation and current Assistant Secretary of State for land transit of the Dominican Republic. Author of the book on road safety in Dominican Republic.