The Example

we follow with the example, we are in the part where the great idea at the top came to you to create e-book to teach to him to people like training dogs, but is here where you need a strategy and you begin to work in her. Strategy 1. It analyzes where are your potential clients and locates your niche of market. 2. You must draw attention of your niche of market, they must find out that there you are and who in addition you have something that interests to them, is here where you can study the option to have a Web site to offer gratuitous content to your potential clients. 3. Once you have a Web site you can offer to your visitors gratuitous bulletins to him, in addition you can create some material type e-book to stimulate your visitors to that they subscribe to your gratuitous bulletins.

4. It creates a list of contacts of those subscribers and hazle pursuit, sends to them contained of quality, fideliza to your subscribers who are your potential clients. 5. You can begin to promote your e-book, now already you have identified your niche of market, you can offer your product to him to people who really would be interested in. This it is only an example that illustrates the importance of designing a strategy, remembers that your strategy is defined according to your objectives. The structure always must follow the strategy, this means that first it is the strategy and soon all the others. And an annotation that will help you to make money in Internet, offers products of good quality, fideliza to your clients, if it serves to them what you have sold to them and you you have gained its confidence, then they will return and they will buy to you time and time again. Success in its businesses online! Original author and source of the article.

Inverted ACEs

The minor arcana expressed in tarot Chuck the everyday and mundane matters. Why, some prefer to set them aside and focus reading on arcane elders, carriers of messages about more spiritual matters, and if you want to, momentous. The minor arcana, however, may not present the wealth of interpretation of arcane elders, but are undoubtedly useful to obtain a vision more detailed and comprehensive about certain situations. There resulting from keen knowledge of its meaning, and as this changes according to the position in which they appear. Minor Cup arcana cite emotional affairs. Their messages speak to us of our situation in love, friendship and family. The ACE of Cup, as the ACEs in each of the four suits, it is a very auspicious and high level of positive energy deck.

Its appearance tells us, in the land of the couple, the next start of a great love. And relations in general, from the beginning of a period of harmony, Concord and happiness. It is a deck that speaks to us of balance, and a time of joy and tranquility in the company of loved ones; It is also a letter from fecundity, which may suggest the next arrival of a baby at home. Instead invested, the ACE of cups speaks of a harmony that is broken. The fullness and balance are lost.

The concordia family, warns us, may be at risk. The ACE of cups reversed alert about the possibility to be building a project without solid foundations: perhaps, feelings are not so deep as previously thought, and everything is falling apart like a House of cards smaller puff of Breeze. This deck speaks of a period of instability, in which perhaps we feel that everything reeling us around and nothing is what seemed to be. We will have to assess the environment that surrounds us, then, to try to discover the real causes of discord and disharmony. Perhaps, warns the ACE of cups, we dig in a relationship that is no longer what it was, and it is time to loosen ties with the past. In this case, the circulation of Tarot will be helpful to understand the hidden origin of some distressing situations, through the liberating path of self-knowledge.

Adecco Foundation

Since the beginning of the crisis, the employment rate of persons aged over 55 in the 27 Member States of the European Union has increased to an average of 47.4% in 2011. However, economic data of the Institute of studies (IEE) show that there are significant differences between countries. For example, in Sweden, the employment rate is 72.3%, while 60% of persons over 55 years of age is employed in Germany and Denmark. These data contrast with the case of Spain, where only 44.5% of these people are working. Belgium and Italy are the countries that are the lowest levels in the employment rate of workers in this segment of age, with a 38.7 and 37.9%, respectively. Nearly 100,000 women over 45 have been incorporated into the professional market in the past five years, and represent 94% of the people in that segment, according to a study by the Adecco Foundation.

The report shows the added difficulty posed by finding a job for one person of that age. From May 2007 to the same month of this year, more than one million of these people have swelled the unemployment lists. Of these, 443.785 are women, by 595.734 men. For the first time in history, the unemployed in that age group approaching the two million (1.782.372) and already account for 37.8 per cent of the total unemployed. In the last five years, the absolute number of 45s on the Dole has grown a 139% (742.853 to 1.782.37). Of the total respondents, a 59.2% takes over one year unemployed. In addition, 90.6% cren that your age is the main reason why not found employment.

International Foundation

So his encounter with the positivists represented by behaviorists, stimulated him to transcend them and realize a vision the human being years more holistic afternoon would make public to establish the International Foundation for holistic education and thereby begin a national and international movement and a new stage of their encounter with the transpersonal spirituality where the only thing that exists is the spirit, no duality between the individual self and the universal being. Ramon Gallegos Nava recounts his own experiences a young and restless with the fundamental questions of his life, as well as the new spiritual era which was living when he was a student of the high school in Guadalajara, Jal., and talk that this was not echoed in the academic curriculum of high school, since teachers were completely unaware of these needs, goals and priorities human, because we are in the era of Ramon Nava (a little more here or there), know that they were totally condicionDOS by the theoretical curricular contents and their commitment was reduced to transmit a set of academic information. When I read all these experiences, I keep reflecting on his life, since he speaks of was not interested teachers establish a dialogue, much less about our human lives that they were not important; rather it was important the undependable written test standardised each semester called test and that is answered as is mean, correctly. I also agree with Ramon Nava, as I’m sure every one of the readers, that we were a number, a statistic, a container to fill with information and vomit on the exam, since education was reduced to a training of instrumental rationality, a reductionism to academics, to the cognitive, to what discipline; It was an eduCAtion disconnected from real life, life as I lived it. The education that we lived and still living, was mechanistic, where the human being was a passive subject, without initiative, creativity, imagination, and somehow without feelings.