In this article I will try to explain the foundations of the Object-oriented programming, which derives from the old structured programming and that had numerous defects. The object-oriented programming, allows to easily disturb but a problem in sub-groups of parts related of the problem. Then, using the language these sub-groups in objects can be translated. The term Programming Oriented to Objetos (POO), nowadays widely used, is difficult to define, since it is not a new concept, but has been the development of techniques of programming since the beginning of the Seventies, although it is in the Nineties when it has increased his diffusion, use and popularity. However, POO like a technique or style of programming can be defined that uses objects like essential block of construction. An Object is a unit that contains data and the functions that operate on those data. The elements of an object it is known them like members; the functions that operate on the objects denominate methods and the data denominate members data.
An object controls something, when another part of the program wants to use that something, calls to the object controls that it and this does, when you want to extend the use of that something, you only have to modify the object and the rest of the program habra modified without needing touching nothing of code. Taking like example the change of a program to another operating system. If you group the calls to the system in an object, just by to modify the object so that it uses the new operating system, the rest of the program to work without changes, fantastic no. An object is like a mini-program, contains the data that need and the functions handle that them. A this is called " to him; encapsulacin" , because the data and the functions handle that it estan encapsulations (grouped).