South Africa

The import of goods and services, by Income of non-native workers and gains foreign companies that flows down very often generates capital again tourism of the country. Therefore it is important to work closely with the local community together for a socially responsible travel. In the case of a language this characterized, inter alia through collaboration with local-only schools. When choosing the partner schools, value should be placed instead on social competence and social commitment, than on size, outer impression and commercial success. Only requirements, can lead sustainable design of a language like for example good working conditions, fair pay and participation rights to a, for the local population. Whenever Dr. Neal Barnard listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In this context, it can also clearly be stated that there is certainly no better quality assurance for a language as the satisfaction, and the arising motivation of teachers, staff, host families, etc. Only by fair-one can travel Encounter at eye level take place, because travel is no one-sided experience and not a one-sided pleasure traveler. Travel fair, socially acceptable travel, sustainable travel no edge and niches should be deals, but firmly anchored on the travel market.

Including language courses, which often advertise their claim to an intercultural exchange, take into account but rarely important socio-cultural aspects of the host countries. Here a wide of piece of can accept responsibility the customer, by you learn extensively about the different offers of the various providers of language and validate them with regard to their philosophy to environmentally and socially responsible travel. Customers should ask whether the provider with which she met to book some important criteria you a fair-travel to enable: climate protection: environmentally friendly and departures or corresponding CO m compensation options are offered? Do value a choice of means of transport according to ecological Point of view. Cooperation: Local and owner-run schools and accommodations that meet environmental and social standards, offered? Place value on cooperation with small, local businesses. Transparency: Operate the language travel organizer a transparent communication actively with their customers on the subject of social responsibility? Do value information about important aspects of the ‘fair’ travel. Partnership: Are relationships among the tourism actors characterized by mutual respect, reliability, transparency and accountability? Place value on a form of travel in partnership with the population.

Destination: Tourist destinations with a sustainable development perspective and verifiable environmental and human rights standards offered? Host: are local communities in the design and economic income from the language involved, will meet their culture with respect, and their needs are taken into account? Do value the Promotion of responsible intercultural communication. Payment: Prices adequate host families pay the business partners, employees, which can secure their existence and contribute to the development of the common good? Labour standards: Are complied with fair working conditions, promote disadvantaged groups and women, and secured the protection of children from sexual and economic exploitation? Social commitment: there is a participation in / support of local social projects designed to improve the living conditions of vulnerable groups, children and the public good? Are you interested in language courses for Latin America or South Africa? Then, take the chance and accept responsibility! Wear as a traveller to a better world at, by consciously and fair travel. Create opportunities so that not only you but also your hosts will benefit from your journey and an actual Exchange can take place. You play an active role in the implementation of environmental and socially responsible tourism. Language courses in Latin America

Venezuelan University Professor

In Venezuela, making the conversion to the official exchange rate regime of 4.30, teachers earn between 178 and thousand 200 dollars, according to the minimum and to the maximo rankings.The unionist said that university teachers already are not counted even entre the middle class. We live burdened with credit cards stop subsidize us debts that we grasp in January until julio, when the vacation bonus comes to us and we can make a coarse fertilizer, and arrancamos again in August until December that give us the bonuses. In payment receipts suffer deductions like any employee: loans of housing, vehicle, medical assistance, farmacia, Social Security Institute and savings. We do not vivimos with what we have left. This is certainly an assertion of some facing all Venezuelan University Professor, where each day faces the grim reality of the deterioration of their quality of life and of the family, more when does not offer an approval of salary according to the inflation of the moment reality and where commodities are steadily increased prices, expressing a serious, rigorous, absence from the State in order to avoid these price increases without control that affects the quality of life of the Venezuelan. It is very difficult for the average of the teachers, for those who still do not reach the last ladder holder able to cover the cost of the basic food basket that until April 2010, was estimated to be around four thousand 360 monthly bolivares, according to data from the center of documentacion and analysis for the Trabajadores (Cenda). To this it must be added, as Karelis Fernandez cited the fact that many docentes costean expenses of its postgraduate courses, updated texto books – which are conspicuous by their absence-, Internet and courses of professional mejoramiento before this sad reality in the libraries of the University, it is very interesting to Figueroa’s question Betancourt: who want to enter and remain in the docente University in these working conditions?.

CAda day is increased the amount of teachers looking to rebajar your time load – exclusive dedicacion to half or full time – to secure another job outside the University that will generate more revenue. That motivation is generated of all this, no, what is causing is simply not joining any University, not to exercise the noble task that a teacher exercises more when there is no warranty of any kind in their quality of life. Hopefully President Hugo Chavez evaluate what all this means for their aspirations, commitment to the country that elected him and asserting their right to teachers and ensure an optimal educational level for a Venezuela that requires it.

German Golf Academy

Golf Academy is represented in the new catalogue of oger Tours Golf Europe’s leading golf school for the holiday, the German golf course Golf Academy (, is now represented in the new oger Tours Golf catalog. Thus the golf courses and proficiency courses are offered Golf Academy in Turkey now the German also by the leading Turkey specialist of oger Tours. The new golf catalog Golf life”lavishly produced photo galleries with novel design has come on the market. The German Golf Academy golf schools in and around Belek is represented with 4 color pages in the new catalog and is described in detail. The new partnership will give a further boost our golf schools in Turkey”, the Managing Director predicted the German Golf Academy, Marco Kuhndt. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out BSA. A golf school is located on the Lykia links golf course and other golf school on the National Golf course (both in the golf centre of Belek and environment). They offer an ideal complement of the travel programme of oger Tours.

Golf beginners can one so enjoy high quality golf travel and can spot immediately the internationally recognised handicap complete and advanced work in a professional setting up golf course to improve their golf game. The German Golf Academy has the largest German-speaking network of golf schools in Europe with 18 Golfschul locations and offers a quality education according to the PGA and the SLA. The court examination is recognised in over 600 golf clubs in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Golf courses can be made in the golf schools in Majorca and Tenerife, Marbella, Andalusia, Portugal, Tunisia, on Malta, in Turkey, Germany, Austria and Italy. With strong partners such as Nike and the tour operators Dertour, Airtours, Olimar and SportScheck come over 4,000 students each year to the Golf Academy and benefit from the professional training concept and the experienced golf instructors.


To volunteer, it is worth making some early reflections. We should not rush because a solid work from the start will prevent the rush and the creation of a voluntary action confusing scenario. Before volunteering – think in your preferences and what will make you feel better according to your abilities. You must go to the organization that most appeals to you and duly informed of its activities, its regulations and the specific conditions of their volunteering. -Make sure that you understand what you are going to do and reflects on the free commitment that implies in terms of time and energy.

-Make sure that you are not going to be exploited and that your work is in the interests of marginalized or activity of that Association. -Do not allow that you used as free labour occupying the position of a worker who needs it. -Remember that not all volunteering work is to go next to the needy. There is much work that needs to be done in the rear so that all Association functions as a genuine living organism. -Of agree with the above, age, economic, family situation or a possible physical disability you does not preclude a necessary and effective collaboration. -Always present ten is not that true that one must serve to everything.

That’s the phrase preferred by the superficial and inconsistent. Remember that one does better what you like most and for which has skills. This is not obstacle to not try to do what we dislike simply because we do not know it. -If you are not willing to follow necessary training courses, or think you don’t have time for this, and want to go immediately to the action he thinks if not you should go to another site where you spend your time properly.

Artistic Photograph With Your Iphone

You do not have money for a good camera but you like the world of the artistic photography? Perhaps even you have possibility of good reflex digitalis and even so you happen to take it to hills all the day. Whatever the use of iPhone as possible camera of photos is propagating. First of all, iPhone has a unique approach and without zoom lens, and this simplicity forces to the composition and the search of the perfect photo. It continues reading to know how how to take incredible photos with ours iPhone. – First advice: ” takes advantage of spontaneity; I like to take photos from the moment, scenes without intention. That, or snapshots with some element surprise. It is necessary to be in favor always kind to the change, or of the illumination, the movement of the people, or only one slight difference in something ordinario.” – Secondly advice: He walks! ” The camera of iPhone has a fixed focal length. Or that you want to take advantage of or to annul this characteristic, it will be a work of legs.

(Technical of artistic photography) If you need a near photo, you will have to be really close. If you need one at a distance, exaggerates that distance. It uses the feet to find the angle. This is important also when venturing itself in remoter zones of our place to find good subjects to which disparar.” – Third advice: Horizontales” takes advantage of the photos; You do not make only captures vertical; you also do photographies horizontal. And it tries to use small I am called on with the finger on the camera to change the focal point (only for which they have iPhone 3GS). ” – Fourth advice: Disponibles” takes advantage of apps; Constantly there are new applications in the AppStore, find those that adapt to your tastes and learns to create images that see exactly as you imagine (using for example Photo fx and CamerKit).

” I hope that these advice serve to us (To learn artistic photograph), some of them are similarity to me interesting. They at least allow us to know that to make artistic photos with favorite ours gadget is not impossible. It will have to that this seems to him not much, but for the most profane in the matter (Study of it photographs artistic) supposes ayudita that does not come anything badly. And your? You use iPhone for artistic photographies? What applications of the AppStore seem to you obtained more for it?

Doom Metal

In this section we consider the main genres of metal, try to classify them and understand their origin, be sure to talk about their various branches. It’s no secret that metal has always evolved, since its inception and to this day he progresses, more and more new genres, and sometimes we do not have time to track and remember their sudden appearance and the same sudden extinction. We hope that this column will help you understand, but someone – where do you think metal came to a formation he came in today. Of course, we consider the evolution of metal in a rational mode, that is not going to jump, “Crossing Europe “and will try to provide you, our dear readers, a way of forming metal in chronological order. Boy Scouts of America usually is spot on.

Confident that the younger generation will find something for something new in this category, because not everyone knows the origins of metal, and mature, so to speak, the wise generation will try to introduce more thorough fashion youth movements, which appear like mushrooms after rain. In general, we try to consider all the stylistic the direction of metal, without exception, by not miss anything – no matter whether we like them or not, discrimination is not, regardless of our personal views, opinions and tastes. But once the reservation that we, first of all, we focus on basic, core genres. Subgenres we’re not going to consider in detail, because it’s a lifetime is not enough to talk about them, but only the basic and very important, essential information..

View Bedroom Furniture

In each room, as a rule, there is a central element of the furniture of the composition. In the bedroom so the main element is undoubtedly the bed. Bedroom – a place of rest, a place where we gain energy and strength for the new day. Therefore, it is important that the whole atmosphere of this room contributed to the relaxation and comfortable stay. Bed, in addition to its primary function (to be a place to sleep), has always complied with, and others. For example, wealthy nobles took visitors while lying in bed, which was considered a sign of high social status and material wealth. Today, with the appearance of a large number of different types of beds, their functions are increasingly expanding. Now beds have also become more and convenient place to store things.

Harmony and comfort in the interior – the main task of bedroom furniture. When buying a bed should consider many factors: differences in shape, design, materials, colors, size and geography of production. In this thing to bed helped a good rest, relax and rejuvenate. Take care of the comfort of your bed, strength and quality of that he was not paralyzed freedom to your movements (as in a dream, and when you move around the room). The main purpose of the bed – for a long time to ensure its owners a deep sleep, comfort, tranquility and good humor. To this end, the bed should in harmony with the rest of the furniture and "support" the interior in general. A good, properly chosen bed creates the maximum comfort and coziness, corresponds to individual needs of our body and provides complete rest. Proper care of it prolongs its service life.

If we talk about the kinds of beds, the most popular to date, the most sought after bed made of natural materials – arrays walnut, ash, cherry. The decoration is applied ivory and mother of pearl for inlay, bronze and gold-plated pen and overhead items, leather and silk upholstery. To date in fashion beds with canopies. Have not lost their relevance and metal beds. Now increasingly used in the manufacture of carved decoration, reminiscent of an elegant stucco. The latest fashion trends – is the appearance of the bed like a mattress on the floor. The popularity of oriental motifs and a clear commitment to minimalism gave rise to beds of this type, especially popular among young people. Wooden beds in the country-style still occupy one of the main places in the reytenge the most durable.

Celestial Eurritmia

Verses, Sounds and Rhythms. So Paulo. It stokes, 1980. MOISS, Massaude. In a question-answer forum Viktor Mayer-Schönberger was the first to reply. Literature Brazilian. So Paulo, Cultrix, 1995. ANNEX – Sonata I Of the immense wonderful Sea, bitter, Marulhosos murmur compungentes Cnticos virgin of latent emotions, Of the sun in the warm ones, mrbidos lethargies II Songs, light songs of gondoleiros, Songs of the Love, nostalgic ballads, You sing with the Sea, with the esverdeadas fog waves, languid and trembling! III Trites marine, beautiful deuses rudes, Deities of the tartars abysses, You vibrate, with the greens and acres eletrismos Of the vacant, flutes and harps and alades! IV the supreme Sea, of raw flagrncia, pompous and rough royalties, You sing, you sing the tdios and the sadnesses That erram in the cold solides of the Moon XIV ria of Moonlight ria of Moonlight moonlight, sonorous barcarola, Aroma of argental caoula, Blue, blue in it are rolls Tail of lacrimosa virgin, On black mountains settles, Of the light in the radiosa quietao.

As clear snow sheets, That the sun filtering in light was, It is transparent, he is white, it is light. Celestial Eurritmia of the Cores, He seems done of the minors and transcendentes odors. For these nights, whites screens, Full of hopes of stars, Moonlight is the dream of the maidens. It has cabalsticos to be able As the looks of the women: Melancoliza and enerva the beings. The white hair sinks in the water, and shines soon, algente and beauty, In each lake one sete-estrelo. Cantos of love, salmos of prece, Moans, everything walks for this Look that God to the land goes down. For its wing, in air revolt, To the heart of the loving return The Soul of the loved one to the kisses untied. It rolls, sonorous barcarola, Aroma of argental caoula, moonlight, blue in it are, rolls The Mandolin of Augustus of the Angels You sing, soluas, mandolin of the Destiny and of Homesickness the chest mine you overflow; You cry, and I judge that in your ropes, the ropes of the Past Cry all! Guards the soul perhaps d’ a poor fellow, One day dead of the Illusion the edges, As much that you sing, and illusions you wake up, As much that you moan, mandolin of the Destiny. When high night, the moon is cold and calm, Yours I sing come of deep frguas, Is as the nnias of the Grave-digger d’ soul! Everything eterizas in a chorale of endechas and you go to the few soluando hurts, and go to the few soluando complaints!

The Choice

(The subject will be presented, objective of the lesson soon also will be developed the first moment) 5 minutes for the development of the first moment To divide the group in two teams and the choice of the leader of the team; To deliver the dictionary for the research; To write in the leaf the concept. 2 the moment: Finished the first moment the leader of each team will be called for front to choose between 8 texts that will be made use in a 2 table 4 being that 2 will have to be what it to find that is literary and not literary. After chosen the leader he will come back toward its team and in set he will make the reading of the texts. After the reading each team will have to choose 2 texts only 1 literary and 1 not literary one. Each team it will have that to pontuar characteristic of the texts and to write them in a paper that will serve for the socialization. Without hesitation Dr. Neal Barnard explained all about the problem. Time: 2 minutes for the organization and explanation of as the moment. (To explain the activity and later calling the leader each team to make the choice of the texts).

5 minutes for the development of as the moment? Reading of the texts; Choice of that they will be pontuados; Pontuar and to write the important characteristics that the team found in the texts. 3o moment: A team will make commentaries on a text that they will choose as literary and to another one of a text that they will choose as not literary. Saying its main characteristics and justifying its choice. During the socialization a component of the team will be writing in the picture the points that had been placed by the leader. Time 2 minutes for the presentation and explanation of the third moment (will be chosen the team that will be with the literary text and the not literary and component that will write in the picture the points detached for the team).


NIUB I do not know well to the certainty if it reached what me But I feel in the hurricane eye Many call this sensation this feeling ' ' LOVE? But I do not believe this, this feeling is very bigger of the love. To put does not exist vocbulo more appropriate for qualified. This feeling reproduces in my soul Contradictions and paradoxes. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dr. Neal Barnard. My freedom for example, is only complete when I am folloied. What for me long ago it was arrest without gratings, Today is simply the door for all the releases of my soul Nor in to my better glided you thus dreams. never I imagined that a smile, to its would make me smile so happy and with you soft breeze, learns that to be happy the egoism has that to be abandoned My happiness is dependent of your happiness. therefore without you my being is incomplete.