When the patient is introduced into the heated, indoors, supercooled parts of the body, usually an arm or leg, you need to insulate against heat, imposing on them insulating bandage (cotton-gauze, wool, etc.). It is very important to ensure the immobility of supercooled fingers and toes, as their vessels are very fragile and therefore may hemorrhage after restore blood flow. With a total undercooling with loss of consciousness the basic rule is still the imposition of insulating bandages on his hands and feet as soon as the victim had made a warm room. Previously he had determined the signs of life as having elements of consciousness, respiration, heart rate, the reaction of pupils to light, according to testimony conducted by ivl 'donor' and carefully chest compressions. Body wrap cotton or wool blanket. shoes are not removed and his feet in the shoes wrap up any scrap materials.
Later admitted to hospital. 5. first aid for heat (SOLAR) Shock Heatstroke – severe pathological condition caused by general overheating of the body. Distinguish thermal shocks caused by the predominant influence of high ambient temperature and thermal shock arising because of the intense physical work (even in a comfortable environment). Along with the thermal shock isolated and sunstroke, caused by intense or prolonged direct effects on the body of solar radiation. First aid. Emergency assistance should be directed to the early cooling of the body (immersion in a water bath 18-20 , wetting the affected skin with water at room temperature with blowing warm air) and local hypothermia (ice on his head, axillary and inguinal regions, sponge soaked with alcohol).