After the collection of the data of this first one, we will carry through the second structuralized half interview, also inside of the preset limit (to see cronograma). Made these, we will give to beginning the final analysis of the data collected for posterior quarrel of the results and consideraes.Elaboration of the two entrevistasFF Bibliographical Research FF Delivery of Daily pay Search of participantesFF Contact for consentimentoFF 1 EntrevistFF Bibliographical Research (final project) Analysis of the data and deliver of projetoFF f vacation ? Term of Assent.
The participants will not be identified by the true names, only the initials. The interviews had been elaborated with the concern not to contain questions of offensive matrix. 3 RESULTS We perceive that for these gestantes the gestacional period brings many transformations, with this notices that some of them are more involved with the pregnancy of what the others. As for example one of the mothers it did not wait to be pregnant more happened, but if it was for to choose would not like to engravidar, therefore she does not obtain to support the changes in the body. Another point that we identifcamos is how much the participation of the parents of the baby in the period of the gestation, was surprising, therefore one of the gestantes not deferred payment with the father of the son, but it of the same assistance it as if it was married. With this we perceive that in some cases the father of the child not to live in the same house does not mean that it does not give to assistance the mother of its son. We identify that some already think about the idealized baby and others do not give much importance when is about the colloquy with the baby, canalize these feelings for arrumao of the room of the baby, the name, the clothes, 4 etc.