Brazil Ones

But that nothing: Pimentabilis annus outrem rephrescarium est. Education always was private privilege to the elites. Incio Jose de Alvarenga Peixoto, later Colonel of the Regular Cavalry of Minas Gerais and one of the inconfidentes, it was registered the University of Coimbra, Portugal, together with later also the Colonel Joaquin Silvrio Dos Reis. But the school registration of Peixoto Lighter was suspended per two years, under inquiry, because they had discovered in time that its grandfather had been manufacturer of santinhos (and person of laboring origin could not be doctor). Lighter alone was admitted in that Institution after to prove that the grandfather, certain time, manufactures some images of saint for some poor devils that had much faith in the soul and no currency in the pocket. It makes for pure charity In the Health of pra to point two of the most important creations human beings: penicillin and the sanitary vase. Penicillin as antibiotic is champion; the sanitary vase for its important contribution for the hygiene human being, even so in many regions of Brazil still is common to substitute the bathroom for an underbrush of banana trees.

E this filthiness was imported of the Europe, therefore caravelas, also from Peter lvares Cabral, carried up to one hundred people each one, with one only ' ' cagador' ' in the deck, the opened sky, with a long rope, of the unwoven tip, that imitated the current hygienical paper. They have or had the intention, the truth is not that the filthiness constitutes one of the supositrios that the colonizadores had introduced in annals of our History. Corruption? It always had. The Government pressed in the collection of the taxes; the corrupt ones insisted on perfecting its methods of performance. In Minas Gerais they had created ' ' saint of the wood oco' ' that it was a wooden image excavated on the inside to be stuffed of gold and, thus, to run away to the fiscalization. the first plant of false currencies was discovered in Rich Village (Ouro Preto), in 1735. History follows, to the trancos and abrupt declivities, always if repeating. Until when? Who was Allan Kardec affirmed that ' ' without the work the Human being would remain in infancy intelectual' ' , but, what to make, if until the work it has lately in the lacked one? was Plato, the great Greek philosopher, disciple of Scrates, who first if it worried about the disordered growth of the cities, arriving, at that time, 2300 years behind, to fix in 5037 the ideal number of inhabitants for a city. for a bigger reflection the Republic is the words of Plato in its book here: ' ' The Great men need to enter for the Politics, therefore, if not to make it, the small ones will make. In consequncia the Great ones will be governed by pequenos' '.