Brazilian Movement

They are aspects that despertam mobilizadoras forces that are born of the necessities of the popular masses, but that also they show at the moments of the interventions of the public power. In Brazil, these interventions, can after soon be observed its discovery for the Portuguese, in 22 of April of 1500. The mission of Tom de Souza, or to disembark in Brazil in 1549 (at the time colony of Portugal), brought the definitive Jesuit priests to catequizarem and to instruct adults and adolescents, between these, the Brazilian natives and the Portuguese colonizadores. Thus, it was registered in Brazilian history, the first attempt of if educating young and adults. Moreover, of ampler form, the missionaries had contributed with the education by means of the installation of colleges in diverse regions, that if had become the main educational spaces of cultural formation of the colony. Exactly thus, a long way of history was covered without the young education of adult was seen as a social necessity of the Brazilian population, even because, of 1750 the 1777, registers one strong ideological influence of Portugal, particularly for force of the figure key of that government, You mark of Pigeon house, where the education of the great Brazilian mass was characterized as precarious, as much the what concerns the amount of pupils and professors in classroom, how much to the quality of the relation education and learning, prioritizing an education humanist, guided for a European model, with the objective of, according to Severino (1996, P. 70) ' ' (…) spreading of an apt conception of world to keep coesa sociedade' ' , taking care of of this form to the interests of Portugal with the formation of the elite who directed and dominated colonial the society Brazilian. After the end of the domain of Portugal, the context of the Brazilian public power registers in history some adult young initiatives to alfabetizar e, as for example: in 1947 the Campaign of Education of Adolescents and Adults CEAA, in 1961 the Movement of Education of Base MEB and in 1967, no longer military regimen, the Brazilian Movement of Alfabetizao MOBRAL.