Francisco Julio although little known was a great name of the pernambucana politics, and for the largeness of its ideals, a species of Joaquin aloprado Nabuco. The member of the house of representatives and pernambucano lawyer Francisco Juliano Arruda de Paula was born in the Good Device Hope in Good Garden in day 16 of February of 1915. Son and grandson of gentlemen of devices with a social conscience above average studied in the Sheep Lion and Pernambucano Gymnasium and formed themselves in right. He defended poor persons, peasants and prostitutes. With the decay of the devices and the ascension of the usineiros the campesinato found space to fight for improvements and it finished being a fort ally them unions and leagues peasants.
He used its legal and religious knowledge to find in the Civil Code and the bible weapons of defense of its anarchic and marxist ideals. The leagues had had a very great development in government JK and had finished despertando the resistance latifundium them. The ascent of the price of the sugar motivated the expulsion of the peasants of its areas of plantation strengthening the social movements. Inhaled for success of the Cuban Revolution, Julio organized marches of peasants and radicalized the speech. The support to the candidacy of the usineiro Cid Sampaio allowed that they obtained the dispossession of the Galilia device what the resistance of the proprietors to the movement encrudeceu. Internal divisions in the socialist movement enter the leadership of Julio and the great name of the Communist Party Luiz Carlos You give for who the campesinato was not the classroom appropriate to make the Revolution and yes the proletariat, had weakened the movement. It lived entering in conflicts with the colonels of the Zone of Mata. State deputy and federal was friend of Fidel and Che Guevara, defended the Agrarian Reformation in the Law or the Marra.