It is therefore quite natural that among the emerging techniques foreign language instruction focus has attracted the audio-visual method (abbreviated to AVM), which is based on a complex application of technical means for the visual and auditory synthesis during training foreign languages, which greatly intensifies the learning process. In the pedagogical literature of our country’s audio-visual method is evaluated as a very effective tool in teaching language in a foreign language at initially or as an accelerated method of learning a foreign language. avm originated in France as a response to an appeal by unesco as great powers, including to France, to do everything possible to facilitate the dissemination of French as a foreign language worldwide. In France, the need for an effective method of teaching French as a foreign language is particularly sharp given themselves known when the former French colonies in Africa, At independence, yet left his French the official language, and communication with this organization for the exchange of technical experts from abroad to facilitate the arrival of technical trainees specialties of France, supported by unesco to develop an effective method of teaching French as a foreign language. French government had allocated special funds and created a number of centers and groups for Applied Linguistics.