A capacity and who have secured universal activity in the evolutionary history of mankind a position that no other people can ever hope to achieve "(history of ancient Greece Chapter XIII) this kind of survey are positive, it is desirable to reach so high that not only is a realization of the work of the Greeks but also astonished us for future generations. Let us quote the last survey, and then return to our case. "that would not be causes of prosperity for the feasts Greece was the entire universe, the temples were monarchs of all, the games that many people came around, the oracles that excited the imagination of all nations, in order to taste and the arts, brought these latter to perfection so complete that you must not know to hope to overcome them "(Book twentieth, chapter VII, the Spirit of Laws) young people you are meant to make trail up to them to break the mediocrity that invaded the land at an educational level up to them to break down the boundaries that society imposes thinkers, in order to exploit and loss of worthy purposes that were drawn. I encourage you go with. " Anaximenes Air Appearance: when perfect is imperceptible to the eye, but instead is manifested through the cold to hot and humid. And the movement. Anaximenes in his system refers to the movement several times saying "In fact all the things that are transformed, not transformed if not move!" fence powerful postulate. Now expose some movements in order to know whether in fact the movement is as important as Anaximenes said or if it is common. .