Milton Saints

The workmanship of Milton Saints presents an important contribution in the studies of the Brazilian social reality, when analyzing the challenges of the citizenship ahead of the organization and production of the Brazilian space in the capitalist molds. Soon at the beginning, the author standes out that the material progress reached by the society established a economic rationality, being this rationality taken root in the culture modern and repassed to the countries for the market and the speech and state action, responsible for the creation and maintenance of an ideology of ' ' progresso' '. Ahead of this reality, Saints (1998) make a provoking questioning: ' ' It has citizens in this country? ' ' How it is the situation of the rights social politicians and in Brazil, under a economic model that becomes poor persons millions of people in favor of a presumption collective progress, but that it is in the hand of few? The said economy the rules and if becomes reference for the poor countries, that enter in the game in subordinate position. Such progress legitimated and is incorporated as ideology and modifies the citizenship meaning. More ahead, it affirms that the citizenship was and is a social learning, having passed for a process of construction throughout history. Taking in consideration the reality occidental person, everything initiated with the acquisition of the quality of citizen, as member of a State-Nation, occurred in the Europe in century XVII; after that, it came in century XIX the conquest of collective rights, as the right of the diligent classrooms to form association. In third place, they had no longer come the social rights conquered century XX, having as example the system of the Social welfare. Of this form, the meaning of citizen for the citizens and the society were not produizido in linear abrupt way and nor, but they had been gone and comings, slowly formed by means of history, of the social relations and if they give as conquests, as stages to be vanquished. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Nieman Foundation.