Movement In The Furstenfeldbruck Region brings movement into the Furstenfeldbruck Furstenfeldbruck is one of the richest regions of Germany. According to official surveys of GRP (GfK GeoMarketing GmbH, 2011), the inhabitants of the District have an average for the consumption of disposable income of around 25,000 euros per head. Thus, the district is located in the year 2011 to seventh place in nationwide comparison of purchasing power of most city or districts. Center For Responsible Lending wanted to know more. The Furstenfeldbrucker regional district dwellers in sum for consumption purposes eliminates the need to have around five billion euros. And also the adjacent regions such as Dachau, Starnberg, Munich are far forward in the top ten of the richest regions of the Republic. However, many companies in the region of Furstenfeldbruck fight every day for their existence. Speaking candidly Center for Responsible Business told us the story. Increasingly, small entrepreneurs, who have often even in the town centres, shops or services, must mostly close their shops.

And although their products and services are sometimes smart and competitive in the market comparison. While Internet offers, which often attract at first glance with supposedly cheaper deals, certainly play an increasingly important role. Recent studies, such as those of the Augsburg economic adviser Manfred Heider, who has studied local retail on behalf of the municipality of Germering, however, show that the District residents spend a large portion of their money in Munich or other regions. The assertion that the Furstenfeldbruck is perhaps not attractive enough to get people to buy more or less before your own door, rejects, Jurgen Dietl, the founder of the regional business sector book clearly. “Furstenfeldbruck and its surrounding communities have a lot to offer.

Unfortunately people seem often not to know what pearls in part found only a short drive from their own home”, Dietl said. The company profiles wrestle now four years 2008 under the name UPLOADCOMPANY in the life called it, which usually only very locally limited organized businesses together to unite on a regional platform on the Internet. “We offer the opportunity to attract customers with short descriptions of performance in the own company profile in the company. In addition to make images of the company or the products with the possibility, as well as from mid-May 2012 to show even short Internet videos, customers get real insights into the respective company. “And the totally free”, so the owner of the platform. It is the declared aim of to show what in the Furstenfeldbruck region and conquer so Dietl on the region together with all advertiser partner companies. The financing of the portal is done from the outset from private funds and is scheduled for the next few years about accompanying advertising revenue, freely according to the principle: Goliath supported David. More metropolitan areas or other useful limited economic regions, which primary aims to stimulate the economy of the region have formed good reason not only in Germany but across Europe. “The principle works,” so Dietl, “now the companies and associations of the district must find only the courage to solve by traditional and together to enter new territory.”