It is recommended to prefer an active rather than passive idle up to the test. During the passive test piloting, respondents answer questions questionnaire, after which supevrvayzer project, listening records and evaluates the quality of responses and the suitability of the script – the script. With the active idle up test, the supervisor after the ping, holds talks with operators reveals its limitations. In this case, the assessment and remediation surveys conducted and the supervisor and operators. Regardless of the method selected for piloting the test after the event should draw brief comment. In a commentary in the form set out systematic problems that can occur when using questionnaires, and their solutions.
The main groups of issues that arise during the testing of the questionnaire for telephone interviews are listed below. Problems with the conduct of the survey. Questioning took as much time as expected? When filling out took more time, how can it be reduced without sacrificing the important issues? Problems related to the understanding of survey questions. Is there a questionnaire too difficult for the respondent questions? This difficulty is due to the degree of complexity contained in the their information? Or, the question is too long? Are some questions ambiguous? Can be reformulated as questions to get as a result of a complete and unambiguous information? Problems, related to violation of the requirements for the compilation of questions. Were used in the questionnaire whether technical terms without explanation? How can I explain to them not to enter respondents into confusion? Were there times when it is widely used words used in an unusual context? How to clarify their meaning? Were there questions that requested information is difficult? Problems related to the choice questions. There are Do questions that are most frequent response was 'I do not know' or 'no answer'? Were there any questions where the answer 'Other' collected a large percentage of responses? Problems related to the organization forms and following issues. Filling in the questionnaire script is as successful as planned? How well thought out and articulated transitions instructions for the interviewer (the respondent)? Should we make adjustments to the text passages and wording of the instructions? How well do the transitions are designed for the condition? If they need to be adjusted? Is not there at the beginning of the questionnaire probing issues that may affect the course of completing it?