4. Organization of production – a system that allows productively use personnel, equipment, supplies labor costs, available space and create the conditions for the process to be carried out using the most advanced techniques and methods and lowest cost. In the advertiser's production of significant importance is the acceleration of the turnover material Portal, reducing production time and especially those breaks, which are formed as a consequence of his poor organization. Therefore, the continuity of production, its rhythm, the proportionality of the installation work should be seen as the main gauges efficient production. 5.
Staff. No one goal facing the company, can not be successfully resolved without the cooperation of applicants who can perform an internal variable of the corporation. Any candidate is the primary level of your equilibrium. To carry out economic activities need to be reached equilibrium at around your workplace. This equilibrium is established, if any member would be most advantageous combination of service leave and payroll, taking into account their qualifications and abilities. In addition, should be a balance between the routine needs of firms in the frame and the actual number of applicants in categories and professions. Adequate staffing required qualifications and required number has a significant importance for the efficient operation of the whole company, and, consequently, will contribute to its economic sustainability. Significant important social component of this factor, which includes a heavy program of relations between people, their attitude towards work, motivation, behavior, because from this depends largely on the results of the whole company.